revenge on @DaFlynJalapen0

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She ran like hell. She ran till she couldn't run. She put her head in her hands as she slid down the tree to a sitting position. Toby...was....gone.... dead. She refused to accept the fact. Her energetic, abused, ticci friend... was dead. "No!!! No!!! It can't be true!!! He's not gone!!!" She yelled sobbing violently.

***5 years later***

She was now 19. She never forgot him. He was all she could see when she closed her eyes. Her heart still ached and longed for him. She still was forced to live and not see or hear him ever again. She sighed as she picked up that stuff. Being in college, she had to deal with all sorts of homework and people. Pulling her hood up, she walked out of the class, hoping to hell that her tormentors weren't there. They weren't and she began her walk home. When she was almost there, walking through the woods she heard a twig snap."h-hey, princess~ still n-not over your t-ticci b-boyfriend~" her hopes disintegrated before her very eyes. She looked down, refusing to make eye contact. She wore his 2nd favorite hoodie every day no matter what. It still smelt like him. Trying to brush past them, she was pulled back by the hood of his hoodie. "You're not going anywhere, princess~" Des struggled in his grip. Now most people would slip out of the jacket but....this was her reminder of Toby. He forcefully kissed her. Tears were now rolling down her face as she struggled trying to get away. Just then a scream sounded from one of his friends. The guy quickly let Des go and turned to see....Toby. Des's eyes widened in shock. She watched as Toby slaughtered the rest of the guys friends. Walking towards the guy, Toby shoved his axe through the guy. "This is a warning. Don't ever touch her again." His voice was calm besides a hint of anger. When the guy had passed out, Toby walked towards Des. "Des, I-Im so sorry I-I" she launched herself at him clutching his jacket and sobbing into his chest. As soon as she stopped, he kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her in a hug, before lying against the tree. They stayed like that, Des refusing to let go, afraid that he would disappear before her very eyes. Eventually Des fell asleep. Toby stayed awake, afraid someone would try to hurt her. Picking her up, he carefully carried her to Slender mansion. Opening the door quietly, he shut it with his foot. He tip toed up the stairs, carrying Des to his room. He laid her on the bed, before lying next to her. He fell asleep, his arm wrapped around her.

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