Ohhhh Foxyyyyyy.~

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You asked for this. Also. People who are not her probably shouldn't read this COUGH KANDIS AND PEOPLES WHOS NAMES STARTS WITH S AND END WITH A COUGH. Okay! Now that that's over with. Onto the show.


Foxy was walking down the long dirt road which lead to her senpais house at a brisk pace, her face blushing intensely at the photo she'd just received from said senpai.  The phone was still on in the hand which was clutching it in a tight fist. She already felt a bit...well...let's just be blunt about it. She felt a bit sexually frustrated due to the photo of her senpai.

Gosh. She loved her senpai. Especially his voice. She loved the southern twang and it's gruffness combined.

Her phone buzzed her out of her thoughts and she increased her pace as she looked down at the winky face sent along with the message. Quickly, she fumbled with the latch on the gate outside of his house, biting her lip. Pulling it open, she carelessly left it open. She approached the steps of his house with such determination and speed anyone watching would've thought her insane. She managed to pull the spare key he'd given her from her pocket before she felt herself tackled to the ground. With an exhale of realization she gave in to the mouth which greeted her own hungrily.

The kiss was deep, rough, sloppy, and passionate all at the same time and it ignited the fire burning inside her all the more. Both their eyes were closed  as Foxy tugged at Sarge's hair, moaning into the kiss. Sarge's hands traced up and down her sides, leaving trails of arousal in their wake. Foxy opened her mouth and Sarge's tongue begun to tango with her own, enticing more moans from her.

Then they made love. The end.

Don't make me make a part two. I WILL IF I HAVE TO.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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