Author's Note

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Hey lovely people! I'm going to try and keep this short because it is important that you read it but I don't want to bore you all and then we can get on with the story!.

So, as an A-Level (the level below university in England) student, I get a lot of work which unfortunately means I cannot spend as much time writing as I would like to. Sad huh? :( 

My updates for Part One of LOTG were irregular, I know; some were every other day, others were barely making the 'one chapter a week' deadline. I want to let you know that I will endeavor to update regularly this time round, but I cannot promise a chapter every other day. 

Instead, I will be updating once a week at the very least. If I miss my deadline by a few days, feel free to make your irritation known to me (if you care that much) and I will make sure to do better the next time. But if, let's say, I updated on the Saturday and someone commented demanding the next chapter on, let's say, the Wednesday, I will most likely reply with an apology, but really I will be upset (not really upset, just a bit...flustered?). 

So what I am trying to say is, thank you so much for even wanting to read my work. It really does mean the world to me and I hope that I convey that message to you all. But please, please, please...don't get mad at me because I'm only updating once a week, because I already feel like I'm letting you down.

Thank you for reading this, shall we get on with the story? I will be posting Chapter One exactly two hours from when I post this at 11:30 (British time, is that what we say?)

Lots of love,

X Nema X

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