Chapter 10

178 7 10

What's Up Buttercups?


RN, Im play Animal Jam so... Hehehe for inspiration................. sureeeee......


You watched amused as the phantom wadded around the hallway between your cells. The phantom came to Aparri's prison door making him growl. Backing away the phantom hit Wootmoo's cage causing him to do the same. The phantom backed off towards your cell and you, having a small rock handy, knocked it on the head. The phantom spun around and glared at you. You hit him again. The phantom slithered down to the floor, completely unconscious.

You stood there stunned at how quickly you knocked it out. Must've been because of all the candy. you thought.

Looking closer, you noticed petite, white paws sticking out from the phantom. Sticking your skinny muzzle in between the bars, you nudge it.

The phantom sat up, it's paws like snow, sticking out from underneath it. It stood up and shook itself. Then, it looked at you, the over-sized eye on top of it's forehead revealing a white arctic fox face.

"Bepper?" Aparri, Skorm, and Wisteriamoon all said in unison.

Bepper smiled sheepishly. "Hehehe... yep. Surprised?"

"H-how?!" Twinkle(0122) demanded.

"Wait.... Are you working with.. them?" Aparri questioned suspiciously, hinting at the phantom costume.

"No! You guys, you don't understand! Here let me tell you." Bepper began, putting her costume back on in case she was caught. She told about how the alphas sent her to retrieve as many animals as possible, but her first priority was the most skilled: Aparri, Wisteriamoon, Skorm, Twinkle0122, Lilacpetal and everyone else including yourself. Greely, having all his magical powers, gave Bepper an effect that would make it look like she was floating - kind of like how he made her dog look like bones were floating above him. She then went straight into the fortress, looking like a normal phantom and then she ended up where she was now.

"So... Greely just gave you those effects... for free?"

"Well... i had to earn the one for my dog, but that story's for another day. Today, however, is the day we escape, so let's get to it!" Bepper replied happily.

She fumbled around looking for the keys to the cells. "Ah-HA!!" She squealed. "I hath found the keys." Jangling the keys playfully, she soon got to everyone's lock and had finally set all of you free from the clutches of the phantoms' cells.

"You know," Aparri commented, "This actually was nowhere close to my plan, but it's a lot more effective that mine would've been."

"Nobody knew that till you said it." Wisteriamoon sang.

"Oh... oops."

OK guys! Sorry about how short this chapstik is but RN I have to write my NaNoWriMo {National Novel Writing Month} story... It's book about a made up creature that I made up... I haven't started the book yet... I can't wait to get goin on it tho!!!

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