Chapter 12 [Part 1]

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Pancakes and Waffles, I'm sorry for not updating in a while, but it's getting close to Christmas sooooooooooo... Merry Supr Christmas

GUys! yOU HavE BEEN StucK in  A PRiSON SINce cHAPstiK NUmBEER 8 - IT's TimE TO GEt OUt!!

You breakfast foods are getting what you deserve!! Part 1/2 long chapstiks!


   Your group separated into two groups now, Bepper the leader of one group, Aparri the leader of the other. Bepper's group was: Wisteriamoon, Skorm, Julian2, Snowyclaw, and herself. Aparri's group: Aparri, You, Wootmoo, Bruizer, LilacPetal and Twinkle0122. You group was supposed to go escape or distract the phantoms if they were awake, while Bepper's group goes and frees the other animals. 

   You silently waved goodbye to the other team. 

   "C'mon, (NCK)." Wootmoo softly whispered to you. You had been staring at the fellow team leaving. Sometimes you forgot Wootmoo was there. That kid was quiet. 


   The Phantom fortress was unbelievably tall; you didn't even know how tall but you had to climb down at least 15 flights of stairs to get to a point where you had to take a break. The 6 of you sat down silently when it felt like the fortress started moving. It felt like the earth was shaking and then it felt like you were going to puke. It didn't feel pleasant. 


You jumped at the sound of screeching phantoms, who probably just found out of your escape. You stood up swiftly and sniffed the air. Fear. Pain. Longing. That was all your nose could sniff out. You shook your head to prevent the scents from becoming stronger in your nostrils. 

   You looked at Aparri who nodded. "Alright team! That's our que to head out!" He shouted. Looking at you he whispered, "Go. I'll be right behind you."

   You raced off down the dozens of stairs laid out before you. Eventually, you made it down to the third floor, where a host of phantoms met you. Standing motionless seemed only to make matters worse because the phantoms' one-eyed stares made you feel overwhelmed. 

   You backed up cautiously, your tail between your legs, but bumped into a stiff team member, releasing a growl from their throat. You stood up bravely, scared of judgement from your friends, and looked over all the phantoms and meeting their glares. One of the phantoms flinched causing you instinctively to get in a fighting crouch, like a cat ready to pounce. 

   A growl slowly erupted from your throat followed by many of your friends'. The phantoms met with equally angry groans. One phantom pushed it's way to the front lines then narrowed it's eyes at you. You narrowed your eyes back, having a staring contest, but before you realized what happened, the phantom roared and battle broke out.

   The clash of creatures, all fighting for something they love. For the phantoms it was: power and victory. But the animals' love was for the innocent captives, the citizens of Jamaa, that were caged up and beaten.

   You leaped for the phantom that you had a staring contest with, probably the general of that hundred phantoms, the centurion. Wrestling with it's grimy tentacles, you managed to tear off a limb, before being whipped by 2 phantoms from behind. You jumped, did a mid-air spin and clawed both the phantoms and went back to the centurion. You were climbing on it's back when you looked at the far away ground. The phantom was up at the ceiling, ready to drop you off! Panicking, you scrambled along it's back til you got a good grip. It spun in circles and you lost your grip and slid down but barely managed to grasp its front tentacles. But the phantom was ready for that. It's lower arms grabbed a small ledge by the wall and back-flipped over, sending you flying to the dust.

  The thought that went through you head while you were falling: 'Phantoms can fly?'

   Conveniently, a large phantom happened to be in the way of your path the falling death, so instead of breaking apart on the stone, you landed on a phantom which so graciously did that for you.

   You growled at the centurion phantom up at the ceiling and if i had a mouth it would probably be laughing and smiling with a sinister grin.

If I can defeat this leader, maybe that could end this battle? The phantom warriors that were left might just retreat. You look around at a way to lure the centurion down to ground level. 

There's the wall with jagged cliffs that I could climb, the phantoms and... You scan the area looking for anything useful. Ah-Ha!! A lever! Unfortunately, it was in the back way behind the sea of battling beasts.

If i could just get-

  You were cut from you thoughts as a heavy body rammed into you. Struggling to breathe, you claw blindly at your attacker.

 "Ow! Hey chill! I'm on your team!" 

  You recognized Bruizer's voice and stopped striking at him. "Why did you barrel me over then?" You emphasized the barrel.

  "A phantom knocked me over here. Now before we start getting into a full on conversation, we have a battle to get back to." Bruizer charged back into the fight.

 You only stopped fighting for less than a minute...

  You hurriedly trotted on the outskirts of the battle scene and saw the enormous lever once again. Sprinting, you got to the lever. YOLO! You internally screamed as you jumped up and grasped the lever, pulling it down swiftly.

  What you didn't know was that that lever only made matters worse.




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