Just One Day Part 1

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There you saw him, standing there, with the dim light the sunset had cascaded down his face. You stand there looking at him, frozen like a statue. 'Who was he? He was so beautiful.' You couldn't help but stare at his muscular jaw, notice the way his eyes would open and close, how his mouth hung slack after taking a breath. Sitting on the swing at the park, you couldn't help but look at this man. Him leaning against his car, you couldn't put the pieces together, you felt drawn to him...

He stood there with a leather jacket, clean blue jeans, with black work boots. His hair was dark and short, but tamed. His white shirt barely peaking out from behind his jacket. You look down on yourself taking in your look. You wore black jeans with some rips in it, and a plain grey shirt, with black converse. Your hair cascading down your shoulders. You look back up to see him looking at you.

Without warning he pushed off his car and made his way towards you, thinking he would confront you on your staring, you tore your gaze away and began to slightly swing. He got closer, and closer, but instead of him talking to you, he just sat down on the swing right next to you. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. Just to be startled by his voice. " Hello. " he said. You slowly turned towards him looking at how his outfit fit his stature well.

" H-hello. " He smiled at your shyness, you moved your gaze elsewhere when your cheeks started to heat up, while he slowly push the swing back. " I haven't seen you before, I come here almost every night since I moved. I moved in almost a week ago, so I guess since it hasn't been that long, I still run into unfamiliar people. " You thought to yourself, " I live near by, I came here today for the nostalgia. " He shifted a little, looking at you, and you slowly looked at him once more. He smiled again, and got up, moving in front of you extending his hand towards you. " I'm Jin. " He said.

The hand he had extended towards you still there, you slowly place your hand in his and said, " My name's Jade. " Shaking his hand, his smile deepened showing his teeth, and his dimples. You couldn't help but smile along with him. The two of you let go of each other's hands, after what seemed like a short amount of time. He sat back onto the swing, and started rocking back and forth.

' He seems so nice. ' You thought. ' How come I was so nervous before he came over. ' " What part of town do you live in? " He asked out of nowhere. " I live here about a five minute walk from here. " You said without hesitation. Then it hit you, ' WHY AM I GIVING MY INFORMATION TO A GUY I BARELY KNOW?!?! ' He looked at you a little surprised, " So do I. What's your street? " " Uhm, Helena st. why? " you gave him a quizzical look. " I live on that street to! " He said excitedly, his smile even bigger, if that was possible. His actions had thrown you of. At first he was being a gentlemen, now he has the mindset of a 15 year old?

He slowly calmed down, and blushed " S-sorry about that. I haven't had a single person talk to me, since the move. I'm new to being social, since I was home schooled. I just graduated college, no one would talk to me in college. But, I decided to start a new life, and move into a town, to have a fresh start. " You chuckled a little bit at his confession, making him hang his head low. You looked at him a little shy. " I'm sorry, " you thought a little.

' He was definitely nice,' you thought ' we seem about the same age, since he just graduated college.' " Do you have any friends Jin? " He shook his head a little. You contemplated what you wanted to say next. "Well if you'd like...I can be your friend? I'm not the type of person who makes friends easily, but I will give it a try if you do? " You looked at him, silently waiting for a response. " I would be honored. " He smiled.

Something within you started to become heavy. What was this feeling? Your head started turning, eyes started to water, but why? " Hey, are you okay? " He got up from the swing and you pushed the tears away with your hands. " Y-Yeah. I'm fine, I guess I'm excited about our new founded friendship. " You lied, but with truth behind it. You couldn't tell what was going on, but you knew that something was trying to hold you back. " Can I take you home? " he offered, " No it's okay, " You said, declining his offer. " I just need catch my breath..."

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