Just One Day Part 3

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I woke up to my alarm blaring, I slowly opened my eyes, turning to where the noise was coming from. My eyes trying to adjust to the darkness, I turned off the alarm as I read the time, 5:10. " I guess it's time to go to Jin's" I said yawning and stretching at the same time. " I wonder what type of games he likes to play." I thought out loud. I finally got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to fix my hair, not really paying much attention to how good, or bad it looks. I slip on some comfortable slippers, and head towards his house, after I grab my bag and keys.

I lock my door, and walk across the street to Jin's. I knock on his door, to be greeted with a big smiley Jin. He had red plaid pants on, a white long sleeved v neck and brown slippers. His hair was a bit messy, but his eyes looked explosive. I guess he was excited to play video games? " Hey Jin." I said with a smile."Hey Jade, come in, come in." He moved a little so I can fit through the doorway. "You ready to play video games?" I asked him. Which I probably shouldn't have done, because the look in his eye intensified. "Yes! I am definitely ready to play." He said with a little smirk. "Okay weirdo," I said lightly hitting the back of his head, "Let's go."

~10 minutes later~

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!" Jin said after I beat him, once again, at Pokemon stadium. " What? I told you, that your grass type won't win against my fire type. Or how I told you that your water type won't win against my electric type." I said putting my control down, stretching my limbs once more. " But, I thought he could pull through...My poor little buddy."( Rip Bulbasaur, and Squirtle.) (Victory to Charmander, and Jolteon.) " I chuckled just a little, but he notice and looked at me. " Does my pain really bring you pleasure?" He said with a pout. " I laughed at him a little bit, but he only pouted more. " Oh my goodness Jin stop it you look adorable." I smiled at him and he blushed looking away from me. " I think it's time for a new game."

Instead of changing the game he changed the console we were playing from. We were originally playing on the N64, but now we are playing on the PlayStation 2. He put in a type of racing game called midnight club dubstep edition. 'What a weird name' I thought. The game was fairly easy. But, he didn't tell me a secret that you get a boost after staying behind the cars. He beat me in the last second with that little trick. " HEY!" I yelled. "THAT WASN'T FAIR!" He laughed at me, as I turned away from him to pout. I crossed my arms, and turned my head, looking away from him. He looked at me a little worried, " You okay, Jade?" I turned more away, like I was upset about losing, but at this angle I couldn't see him, and better yet he couldn't see that I was just joking. " I win." He said in a fun tone. I turned towards him, to tell him off, but instead - -

" JIN S-STOP IT!!!" I laughed as he tickled. " Stop being so pouty then." He giggled. "O-OKAY JUST STOP!" I giggled a little before he finally stopped. Catching my breath, I finally got my controller, beating him in the next game, doing the same technique, " I win." I said quoting him. He grabbed my foot and started to tickle me, once again. " HA! NOOOOO STOP!" I yelled a little flailing my foot around to get it out of his reach. Finally having my foot out of his grasp, I accidentally fell off the couch. I lay down, and slowly catch my breath, ' Who would think that having a friend would be this fun?' I thought to myself, slowly closing my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Jade...Jade...Jade?" "Hmmm?" I hum a little, feeling the sleepiness take over. " I think you should go home, you look tired." I turned over to look at him with one eye. " But, the carpet is so comfortable." I chuckled to myself, while Jin rolled his eyes. " Fine, but if you end up staying over, there is a bed." I nodded, " Why don't we watch a movie?" He shrugged. " What's your favorite movie Jin?" He walked over to the movie stand, and looked through it, before picking one out and bringing it towards me to see. I looked at it a little, eyes brightening a little, " You like Queen of the Damned?" " I have a lot of favorites, but this is up there." " I love this movie, ever since I was little." I smiled at him.

We decided to watch the movie, I popped the popcorn while he put the movie in, " Hey Jin, do you want anything to drink? Like hot cocoa, tea, or coffee?" I asked from the kitchen. " Hot tea please?" He asked politely. I made myself some hot cocoa and made him a nice green tea, like how I liked it. But, I forgot it wasn't for me, so I tried to make a new one before Jin got into the kitchen, but before I could he took the tea and took a sip. " I'm sorry Jin I made the tea how I usually drink it, I didn't mean t-." "It's perfect, I like it sweet." I looked a little shocked at his words. " Y-you sure? I-I can make you a new one. I don't want you to drink it if you don't like it, you don't have to drink it to make me happy." He laughed a little showing his dimples. " Don't worry Jade, bring your drink and let's watch the movie, okay?" He grabbed the popcorn and made his way to the living room.

I looked at the back of his head a little flabbergasted, but followed his instructions, grabbing my drink and walking towards the living room. Sitting on the couch next to Jin, he set us up with a gigantic blanket. He started the movie, and we started snacking on the popcorn and drinking our drinks. We let the movie cultivate us in its plot, the popcorn long gone, and our long been empty. Finding comfort in his presence, and listening to the movie in the background, I found myself, drifting back and forth, falling deeper and deeper in sleep. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep, with the presence of Jin by my side. The only person I truly trust, even though we have known each other, barely 2 days, he was my best friend...





I looked over at her, about to ask her a question, but when I saw her there, eyes closed, and her breathing slow, I knew she was asleep. The movie still playing, I moved, making sure not to wake her, I get up and put everything in the kitchen, quietly of course. Once I make my way back to the living room, I look over at her, as she still hasn't moved, I turn off the movie, and television. I make my way to the hallway, where the guest bedroom was, prepping the room for Jade, and after doing so, I make my way back to her.

I gently grab onto the blanket and move it off of her, she moved a little bit, but I guess it is to be expected. After I get the blanket fully off of her, I lift her up and carry her to the bedroom. I slowly place her on he bed, and place the blankets over her. " Jin..." I stop and look up at her face. 'Was she still asleep?' I asked myself. She rolled onto her side, facing me, eyes still closed, her breathing still slow. She smiled, which made me smile as well. " I win..." She said. My smile dropped from my face, " You punk...If you were awake..." I rolled my eyes a little. I walked out of the room, turning off the light, slowly closing the door behind me. But, before I fully closed the door, I turned to look at her from the doorway, admiring her sleeping figure. " You're wrong Jade... I win, because I have you...Just lik-" I shook my head, looking at her and smiling a little. " Goodnight punk..." I said fully closing the door.

Just One DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora