Just One Day Part 5

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Jade's P.O.V.

I started having random moments fly across my eyes.

I saw myself back when I was three years old, and Jin was there. 'How? How come I don't remember any of this?' I thought.

Jin and I were playing with some toys, "Jin will you be my friend forever?" I asked him " I would be honored." He said as he smiled showing his dimples.

No wonder,' I thought. 'That's why on the first day I broke down. It was my subconscious telling me something.'

We continued playing with each other, my mother watching over us...My mother...My mother, this frail little thing, watching over me and Jin.


Jin! When I looked back me and Jin were nowhere to be found.

I could see two separate images. Jin was sleeping in his bed at his house while I was alone in mine, my mother was nowhere to be found.

But then...

In an instant, I saw her somewhere outside, in the rain, covered in blood....


I saw myself at 5, I'm dressed in black, holding white flowers, placing them on my mother's grave. Jin nowhere to be seen, a single teardrop fell from my eye....


'How come I am just now remembering this now? Why is this happening now?'

The whole scene went dark, as I fell to my knees.

This isn't the past I remember, this isn't the past I know...


I'm somewhere I have never been before, I looked around and found Jin. He seemed to be around the age of ten. He was curled up in a ball, in a corner. 'Why?'

Someone came in through the door. 'Who's that?' He walked right up to Jin, when Jin looked up he jumped into his arms without hesitation, but he didn't see what I did. "Dad..." I heard Jin mumble.

I covered my mouth as the man went lifeless, holding Jin in his arms...

"JIN!" 'I-is that me?'

I ran up to Jin holding him tight against me. "You don't need to worry, I won't ever leave you." I said, as he wrapped his arms around me, clinging onto me. Just like how he did in reality...I was the only one there for him, and we had no one else, but each other.

"I'm sorry, Jade." "Huh?" He kissed me. "I don't want to do this, but I have to, so you don't have to feel the pain, or the sorrow. I want you to be happy, we will meet again in the future, I can assure you that."

I could feel what he was feeling. I could feel the love he had for me, I could feel the sadness of losing his father, I can feel the conflicting feelings he had.

After that Ten year old me was unconscious, and when she awoke, She was in my current house, with no one. She took care of herself, didn't worry about bills, or anything, because they were all paid off. 'But, how?'

The scene changed, I saw my mother, she was with another person and she was signing something.

"Crystal, I know you are doing this for Jade, I want you to know, that no matter what happens to you, she will always be safe."

"James I have to do this, I have seen what comes of me. I don't want to put her through this. You should take Jin and Jade away from here. I know she isn't your daughter, but if I do go..."

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