Just One Day Part 2

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 Running, all I remember is running. I am in a white dress, in what looks like a maze. 'Is someone following me? Where am I?' I looked back and saw nothing, but darkness. 'What lies ahead? Am I all alone?' I turned back around, and saw a figure standing in the distance. "Who's there?" I said aloud. The figure turned around, without a word, without a trace..." WAIT! " I outstretched my hand towards the figure, when the darkness took over. 'Will I ever meet you?'

Waking up I quickly sat up in bed, my hand in the same position as my dream, outstretched and reaching for someone or something. Placing it down on my leg, I looked towards the clock. 08:32 AM it read. I sighed, laying back down, and placing my arms on my forehead. "What was that dream about?" I asked.

Waiting a couple of minutes, I stretched out my bones, slowly getting out of bed. I placed my feet on the cold hardwood floor, treading my way to the kitchen. Turning on the coffee pot, and brewing some coffee, I made myself a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. Pouring myself a cup of coffee and putting both my plate and cup on the table, I sit down and enjoy my breakfast.

I can't help but look out the window to see Jin walking back into his house. "Huh?" I look at him a little bit longer, before the door closes. " I guess he already started on unpacking."I quickly finished the rest of my breakfast, downing the rest of my coffee. I washed my dishes, and set them in the drying rack, washing my hands afterwards. Yawning a little bit I wandered back towards my room to get ready. Knowing that I am going be lifting things, as well as, taking things in and out all day, I picked out some work out shorts, and a light colored shirt, with my converse.

After I got ready, I got my keys and my phone, checking the time before stuffing it in my bag. It was about 9:20 as I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I heard a knock at my door, as I slowly approached it, I looked through the peephole. I smiled, as I saw it was Jin. I slowly opened the door, and saw him, in almost the same similar attire as me. "Good morning Jade," He smiled. " Sorry for coming over so early." " No worries, Jin. I was actually on my way to go over to your house." It was my turn to smile at him. " But, anyway, shall we go?" I asked him, and he nodded in response. " Yeah of course, I got everything out of storage this morning." He moved aside for me to get out of the doorway so I can close and lock my door. "Great!" I said, as we started walking to his house.

We both walked into his house, it looked like the exact opposite layout of my house, I did a little walk through, and instead of the master bedroom being on the right, it was on the left, and the spare bedroom was on the left instead of the right. He walked up right besides me, "What?" He asked. "Our houses have the exact opposite layouts, I'm sorry for being a bit snoopy." I held my head a little bit low. " He looked at me and laughed. I was surprised by how loud it was. " NO! You don't need to be gosh. You are helping me move things in, so you should know the layout. I don't mind really."

I sighed, from him letting me know it was fine, "Okay, well what she would do first?" I asked him. He walked towards the garage, and opened the door. Nearly half of his garage was filled with mostly furniture, and knick knacks, that looks like they are suppose to be on shelves. He gave me the rundown on where he wanted to place everything, even though some things were obvious. Like how the couch goes in the living room, the table in the kitchen and the end table goes in the spare bedroom. We had gotten the big things done first, but now it was time for the little things.

We needed to put a couple shelves up in his room, so once we got to his room, I was surprised by how plain it was. A queen bed in the middle of the room, with the headboard leaning against the wall, his end table right next to his bed, and a black dresser a couple of feet in-front of his bed. 'I guess this is to be expected, since he just moved in.' I thought. I put the shelf up on the wall, making sure it was level. Then I worked on the other one, while he put some of his knick knacks on the first one. Making sure it was level I smiled, at how putting up a couple shelves, made his room more inviting. I moved out of the way, as he started putting more things on his shelves.

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