Just One Day Part 8

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Narrator POV

Both Jade and Jin laid sleeping in his bed, laying there peacefully. But slowly the witches curse was going to be taking a toll on them, and soon one of them will see the path to death. But who will it be?

Jade's POV

I see a dark path and a light path, the light path, has many flowers, some white, but a lot of them are Jade flowers.

I look down the dark path, There are some lilac flowers, and something else, what else is there? Lured in by my curiosity, I walked down the dark path. The lilac flowers start closing as soon as I start getting closer, and decaying. "What's happening?" I look ahead and see a hooded figure, and I stop dead in my tracks. "H-hello?" It does nothing, but floats there. " W-who are you?" It looks up at me with it's red eyes as I hold my ground. " I see what you are, my darling. I am near you, but there is something in my way from obtaining you." "What do you mean?" He disappears from my sight, until I feel a presence behind me. " Oh my darling, you know exactly what I mean. I am the end to all except myself. I have come here for you, but something is holding you from me." I look around and everything starts becoming light, jade flowers are blooming and the lilac flowers are alive again. "My darling head my warning, and don't be like your ancestors." I look towards the hooded figure, as he backs into a dark tree. " Wait what do you mean?" "In time you will know." He says in a low voice.

I wake up and look around, realizing I am in Jin's house still. I look down to see Jin sleeping soundly. I look at his clock finding it to be a little after 5 o'clock. I get up from the bed carefully, and head towards the kitchen. "Well since he isn't up yet I might as well make us something to eat, he might need it when he wakes up."

Jin's POV

I saw her there, she was just as beautiful as ever. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, everything about her is so enticing. Everything is going well until, she is frozen, but then a dark hooded figure appears. "What do you want with her?" I ask, she was still motionless. "You know what I want, you know it all to well. You know the pain and loss, that happens, especially in both of your families." He chuckles a little bit and heads towards Jade. "Don't you dare think about touching her." I yell about to run towards them. "Or what?" He says, but waves his hand, I try to move, but get stuck in my tracks. "You see I know a lot about you and the little darling." He moves closer to her, and brushes a strand of her hair away. "I probably know her more than you do. I won't hurt her." "You see I don't trust you with saying things like that." "And why not, Jin?" I look up, and his face is right up to mine. "I don't have to answer to you..." He smirks a bit. " Hah... It's not my problem right now. "Just make sure the little darling doesn't get hurt." " I will make sure of that." I scowl at him " I will hold you to that." He gives me one last glance, with his red eyes and vanishes.

I wake up to find Jade not next to me and start to panic, but once I smell something delicious, I can only think it is her. I walk out of the room to see her cooking noodles, and meat, just like how our parents used to cook it. I smiled and kissed her shoulder. " Smell wonderful babe, I can't wait to taste it" I say to her and smile. She leans into my chest, and relaxes a little. "I hope it tastes good, I'm not necessarily good at cooking, but I get by." I kiss her cheek, and grab the utensil from her, "Then why don't I take over then?" She giggles, but shakes her head. "No, I wanted to cook for you, so let me okay?" I smile at her and nod my head.

I sat on the counter across from her and watched her with a smile spread across my face. I watched her stir all the ingredients together, and put a couple pinches of spices in and after a couple of minutes dinner was finished. We served ourselves, and sat at the bar counter, and I have to say the smell is definitely doesn't do justice to the taste. It was exactly how our parents had made it before. I look at her and said, " YOU LIAR." She looked at me with bug eyes. "Huh? W-what do you mean?" " YOU SAID YOU DON'T REALLY COOK. THIS IS DELICIOUS!" She giggled at my reaction, oh boy I love her smile.

Narrator's P.O.V.

Jin and Jade ate the rest of the noodles, and afterwards Jade had gone back to her house in order to take a shower and get new clothes. Jin had taken it upon himself to clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes. He then to took a shower and got cleaned up.

Jade was sitting in her towel thinking of the events that had happened within the last couple of days, she met a stranger, regained her memories from said stranger, and fell in love with him, she finally has time to think to herself. She lays down taking everything in, looking around her room. She looks at her dresser adorned with all of her little trinkets, and some wilting flowers she had bought for herself. Deciding to get ready she went towards her dresser and got dressed. She wore a black flowy shirt, with blue, knee ripped, jeans and black boots that go to the calf.

Jade's P.O.V.

" Gosh, I can't believe I finally have some alone time again." I chuckle, as I look in the mirror to check myself out. After a good minute I turn towards the door, and walk out into the kitchen. I double check all my cupboards, and the fridge, seeing I have a shortage of food. At this point I see it's about 7:30. ' Should I invite Jin to the store with me?' I contemplate. " No he might want a little time alone, he should have some time to breath, I know I do. Still need to wrap my head around everything."

I grab my phone, wallet, keys and backpack, and head out the door to the store. It was a nice walk I only live about 15 minutes away from the closest convenient store. I look around get a couple things of meat, some noodles, rice, vegetables, I look around and take in my surroundings, and I feel as though someone is staring at me. But, I ignore it, this is my first time back out in who knows how long, people might be staring, but either ways it's society. I continue to browse and put things in the little basket, once I am finished I take things up to the cashier lady, and check out.

"Well don't you look darling, dearie." She said, as I smiled. "Thank you" I said. "What's a beautiful young lady doing out this late, without someone here to protect her. Did you guys have a fight?" I chuckle a little bit and wave it off. " No nothing like that, ma'am but thank you." " Well you be careful tonight, I know it's still about sun down, but still we don't want no one to snatch you up." She smiles at me and gives me my receipt. " Thank you again." I say before heading out.

I walk back to my house and unlock the door, and peer over at Jin's house, his lights are still on so I figure after I put my groceries away I will go and talk to him, about what might happen, with this whole curse thing, and what I can do. I get inside and put away the groceries, and stretch out my body, man 'I need to go on a run'. I make my way round the island, in the kitchen, and hear a knock at the door. I go and open the door and find Jin standing there, I smile and let him in. " Hey there, hun." " Hey." He greets and walks in. I was a little confused, but before I could make out a sound, he turns around, and as I look into his eyes, I knew right then and there,

The being in front of me is not someone I knew.


I am so sorry y'all I had a HUGE transition over the past year, I had kinda lost my passion for writing but I am trying to get back into it again, but I hope for now this will do I will try to do updates, on this story weekly until it is finished, I don't want to become one of those people where is says, Last updates 2014. But bear with me, thank you everyone who has supported me, and left comments. I am glad you all like it c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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