Just One Day Part 6

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A/N: Back story time... Basically catch up time.

When Jin and Jade were kids, both families went through hardships. Jin lost his mother, and Jade lost her father.

Both Crystal ( Jade's mother ) and James ( Jin's dad ) were great friends, best friends in fact. They were always there for one another, especially when they had lost their significant others.

They took care of the others children, when they other was busy, and vice versa.

But, one day, Crystal noticed something between Jin and Jade.

She had later on went to a trusted friend, and asked her what was to come of their friendship...


"Jin and Jade... There love is transcendent."  Crystal smiled a little. "But something will try to come between them." She nodded her head. " But, will they survive it?" She asked. " I can not see what becomes of them. What I can tell you, is that if they can conquer this evil, the darkness will be gone, and they will be free." Crystal sighed. " But, you don't know if they will survive this?" She nodded at her friends words "Exactly, I'm sorry Crystal." "No it's okay, thank you very much."

Crystal then got up and started making her way out. " Crystal," Crystal looked at her friend once more. "Just one more thing," She paused looking down. "Protect yourself. I see what becomes of you, and as your friend, please, keep yourself safe." She looked up at her with sensitive eyes. Crystal nodded and made her way out.

She had gone to tell James, what was bound to happen in the future, "I'm glad our children find love between each other, I just hope that they will be able to get through it." He said. Even though it didn't seem like her cared, he did. He was overjoyed to see that the person he falls in love with, was his best friend. He just wasn't happy about one thing, that him and Crystal only knew about


Both families have a curse.

'Those who you have chosen to love, will die. Within love's grasp they shall not survive.'

Cursed by the same spell, the curse held true and strong.

It was cast by a witch named Samantha, she had cursed 5 different families in all. One was of an ex lover, one was crook who loved to spend time with other women,and one was a local musician, who was known for living the drunk life. The 2 others were there at the wrong place at the wrong time, and those 2 people were the ancestors of Jade and Jin.

Through the years, both families went their separate ways, only to meet in the middle again.

But, the which had looked down the line of their descendants and made one exception for them. And one alone,

"Those who dare challenge me, and succeed, he or she, will be set free, at a toll. And there after I shall be no more, wither away through the winds, and the spell will be broken."

For many years the family has tried challenging the witch, but many have failed...



Crystal had gone out while her daughter was sleeping, she had James watch the house, since they were neighbors. She had given him a key just in case something went wrong. But beside that, Crystal went out, to where? He didn't know...Will she come back.....  Sadly no...


She had tried going against the witch, to try to free Jade and Jin herself. She wanted the best for them. She wanted them to be happy, to grow old together. But, sadly, she didn't succeed, she was weak, and frail. And when she didn't come home, it was James who found her later on. He was so devastated, she was his best friend, how could she leave him, he would have to make sure Jade was okay, and for Jin to.

He had slowly lost himself, he didn't want this, "None of this should've happened!" He yelled at himself, slamming his hands down on his desk. "If only she had told me...I could've helped her...I could've protected her..."


Jade was mourning, because of her mother's death, she wanted to be with Jin more than anything, but Jin's dad wouldn't allow it. She tried calling his house, went over and rang the doorbell, and even tried hitting on Jin's window. No one gave her a second glance. Jin was the only one who she could turn to, but where was he at this crucial point in time?


James had come face to face with the witch, and took her on, to protect his son. She had come to collect him, like Crystal, and Jin's mother and Jade's father, and James wouldn't allow that. He fought with all his might to take down the witch. But, there was a strong force that took on the witch, and this was James last chance to spend time with his son. Which led up to him holding his son in his arms for the last time.

He was glad to have just one last moment with his son. Glad to know there was someone strong enough to render that witch powerless for just a moment. He knew he didn't have long with his son and told him what he needed to know about the money, and what he should/needed to do in the future, before he went to join Crystal, his wife, and his many other ancestors.



But, what had really stopped the witch that day, was Jade. Her love for Jin had shone throughout her whole entire body, burning the witch, making her blind for a second, and having to turn on her heel and run. Never had the witch seen a descendant as powerful as that.


When the curse was placed, on Jin and Jade's family, they were blessed with a gift. The gift of light. Some of their ancestors abused that power and turned it dark, being swallowed up whole.

With that power, it can only be triggered by one thing, which is love, as well as anger. But, with anger, it could go either way.


And on that day when Jade found Jin, it was because of love, and she had blinded the witch because of both anger and love. But, for a child to have so much pent up emotion... That was what had blinded the witch, she had never seen anyone from down her line to ever do what Jade had done. She was definitely special, and the witch had kept an eye on both her and Jin.



When Jade had gone to Jin's side after his father had fallen into his lap, she pulled him in automatically, knowing the feeling of losing a loved one. But she also knew what it was like being alone, and that was the last thing she wanted for Jin.

But, Jin didn't want to force his hardships on her, and therefore stored her memories within himself. And sealed it with a true love's kiss.

Jin knew very little about the power, he had read it from a book that was left out on the ground in his father's office. All he knew was that with his best interest, and love he could help Jade.



With Jin by himself, he indulge himself in studies, music, literature, and many other things, and always tried to be a gentleman when he went out.


She grew up not knowing her true past, but growing beautifully as well as intellectually.


Neither Jin or Jade knew about the curse on their families, but for some reason deep down in their bones, they felt a storm coming.


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

I know I didn't upload for a couple of days, I had finals.

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