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A tall and slim figure with a bald head and only nostrils for a nose; prowled his way to Godric's Hollow. He had some more people to kill.

A young handsome man shouted to his wife,

"He's coming!!! We have to go! We don't have much time!"

The wife took out her wand while the husband grabbed their one year old daughter. The wife then apparated all of them to the woods.

A short and fat man was waiting in the woods expecting the young couple to come. The short man held his wand out when the couple arrived with their child. He pointed the wand at the husband and shouted,

"Avada Kedavra"

A green flash emerged from the end of his wand. The handsome man fell on the ground, and he was dead. The wife slipped out a cry and ran to her husbands dead body. The short man then put the same curse on her. He was about to put the same curse on the baby girl, but a branch snapped behind him. With the two dead bodies and the baby, the short man apparated out of the woods.

The four of them arrived in Godric's Hollow. The tall and slim figure stood there awaiting their arrival. The two dead bodies were tossed to the side, and the tall figured pointed his wand at the baby. He shouted,

"Avada Kedavra"

The tall figured then screamed in agony as he fell to the ground. The tall figured had appeared to died. The short man apparated out of the room with the three dead bodies. The baby girl sat on the ground crying as a star shape scar appeared on her forehead.

In the next few hours, everyone in the wizardry world heard about the one year old baby girl stopping the Dark Lord Voldermort once for all.

A tall man with a long beard approached the baby and handed her to a huge and large man. The tall man said to the huge man,

"Hagrid, I trust that you can get Emma to Boston with no problems?"

"Yes, of course. Professor.", replied Hagrid

Emma then was carried away in a motorcycle; all the way to Boston.

The professor was already in Boston waiting for Hagrid to come with Emma. He took out something that looked like a lighter, and took all the light from the streetlamps. A tabby cat then suddenly came onto the road where the professor was waiting. The professor noticed the cat and said,

"Ah. Professor McGonagall. I'm not surprised to see you here."

The cat then formed it's way into a tall, stern lady. The lady replied,

"Are the rumors true, Dumbledore?"

"I am afraid that they are; the good and the bad.", replied Dumbledore.

"The Swans? They really are dead?"

"Well, their bodies haven't been found, but there's a pretty good chance that they are dead."

Professor McGonagall gasped.

"What about their baby girl?"

"Hagrid is bringing her."

"Do you think it's wise to trust Hagrid with something this important?", questioned McGonagall.

"I would trust Hagrid with my life."

The two of them stood in silence for the next few minutes.

A flying motorcycle then came into view as well as the loud roaring sound from the motorcrycle. The motorcycle landed in front of the two professors. Hagrid climbed out of the motorcycle and picked up the sleeping baby girl. Emma was handed to Dumbledore. Dumbledore laid her on the door step of an orphanage. He then placed a letter next to her. The letter read:

Dear Orphanage,
This baby girl is named Emma, and she needs someone to take care of her. Her parents had suddenly died. Please see to it she gets what she needs. Thank you.


Hagrid sobbed.

"There, there. It's not really a goodbye after all, Hadgrid.", said Dumbledore.

The three of them left the street and went back to the Wizardry World. They celebrated Voldermort's downfall.

Author's Notes: Here's the first chapter of my story. I really hope you like it! Please comment and vote! I would like some feedback.

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