The Girl Who Survived

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Emma woke up on her eleventh birthday. She never looked forward to her birthdays. The orphanage she stayed at; never celebrated birthdays. If she even mentions that it was her birthday, the older kids would pick on her and beat her. Emma wanted more than anything to leave the orphanage. Everybody at the orphanage was always mean to her. All because of a scar on her forehead. Emma doesn't remember how she got the scar, but she didn't really care. Emma got out of her bed, and got dressed. She wore an old blue shirt with holes, and a pair of pants that was to small for her. She didn't have any proper clothes. The orphanage's supervisor, Agatha Dursley, just then, walked into the bedroom.

"I want you all to clean this place, and I want it to be spotless!!!" Agatha yelled 

Moaning and groaning, Emma and the others orphans began to clean the bedroom. Once Agatha left the room, everyone except Emma stopped cleaning. The other orphans always did this; they make Emma clean the orphanage all by herself. Agatha doesn't even notice. After three hours of cleaning; Emma decided to take a break. Agatha yelled at Emma.

"What are you doing?! You're supposed to be..."

Just then Agatha was pushed back and fell on the ground. Nobody pushed her. It was like magic. Agatha got up and ran out of the room. All the other orphans followed. Then suddenly a huge and tall man walked into the orphanage. Emma fell back at the sight of him, but he just smiled back. 

"You must be Emma." the giant man stated

"Who are you? What do you want?" Emma managed to mutter

"I'm Hagrid, and I'm here to take you to Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" Emma questioned confused

"You're a witch, Emma. Hogwarts is a school for witches and wizards" 

"A witch? You must be joking." Emma laughed at the thought

Hagrid handed Emma a letter, and she hesitantly read it. 

Dear Ms. Swan,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no longer than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Emma looked at Hagrid and then at the letter.

"Well, we must be leaving... Unless you much rather stay here?" Hagrid stated

Emma and Hagrid left the orphanage and found their way to London. 

 Emma scanned through her list of supplies. 

"Um, Hagrid? How are we supposed to find everything on this list?"

"You just have to know where to look."

They enter a strange tavern called "The Leaky Cauldron".

"Oh. Hagrid. What can get I get you?" asks the bartender

"Nothing. I'm hear on an official business."

The tavern suddenly got quiet. Everybody was staring at Emma. Emma had a confused look on her face.  A few people even walked up to her and greeted her. All of them knowing who she was. One of the people was none other than Emma's Dark Against the Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. Hagrid clears his throat and leaves to the back of the tavern with Emma. Hagrid and Emma stops at a huge brick wall. Hagrid knowing what to do, taps the wall with his umbrella. Emma's mouth hangs open at the sight of the wall moving. Hagrid introduce Emma to Diagon Alley. 

They stop for a quick bite to eat.

"Hagrid... why did all of those people know me?" Emma asked taking a bite of her soup

"Well, Emma... as a baby you were cursed by a dark wizard. The curse killed each person it touched, except you. You escaped with just a scar. You are the girl who survived." Hagrid explained the best way he could without giving out too much information.

Before Emma could say anything else, Hagrid got up from their table.

"We should be going. We are a bit behind schedule." Hagrid says

Emma and Hagrid continue to walk in Diagon Alley. Emma looks around at all of shops.

"Uh... Hagrid. I don't the money for any of this." Emma says as she takes a look at all of the different shops.

"Yes you do. It's safely hidden at Gringotts, the wizardry bank." Hagrid says as he lead the way to Gringotts

Author's Notes: Sorry, I took awhile to update it, but here it is. Hope you like it. Please comment and vote!

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