Diagon Alley

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Emma and Hagrid walked into Gringotts. Emma looked around at her surroundings, and instantly noticed little ugly creatures all over the place.

"Hagrid what are these things?" Emma asked Hagrid quietly

"Goblins. Not the friendliest of creatures. Better not stray off to far"

Emma kept close to Hagrid, as Hagrid talked with one of the goblins. Hagrid gave the goblin an envelope that was secretly business. The goblin named, Griphook, led Emma and Hagrid to Emma's vault. Griphook unlocked the vault and Emma looked inside. Emma gasped. The vault was full of money. Emma grabbed as much money as she could carry in her bags. Griphook then led the way to another vault.  Hagrid quickly grabbed a packaged and stored it in his coat.

"Best not mention this to anyone, Emma." Hagrid said and Emma nodded

Emma and Hagrid walked out of Gringotts. Emma look at her list. The first thing on it was robes. Hagrid led Emma to Madame Malkin's. Emma got fitted for her school robes and paid for them. Emma and Hagrid walked out of the store. They then went over to Ollivander's. Hagrid left Emma at the store for a few minutes as he went and got Emma a snowy owl. Mr. Ollivander handed Emma a few wands to try out. Emma flicked the first wand and broke several flower pots. Mr. Ollivander took away the wand and Emma tried the next wand. Several wand boxes crashed onto the floor. Mr. Ollivander took that wand and Emma tried yet another wand. The wand is perfect match.

"Curious and curiouser" Mr. Ollivander whispered

"What's curoius?" Emma asked

"The phoenix that gave this wand a feather core gave a another wand a feather core. The wand that gave you that scar."

"And who owned that wand?" Emma asked

"We don't speak of the name." Mr. Ollivander replied

Hagrid came into the shop as Emma paid for her wand. The wand is 11 inches and made of holly. Emma and Hagrid walked out of Ollivander's. Hagrid then gave Emma a snowy owl.
Emma smiled brightly and took the caged that the owl was in.

Hagrid and Emma finish getting everything else on the school list. (They even managed to look at brooms, even though firsts years aren't allow to have brooms.) At long last, they arrived at King's Cross Station.

"Blimey, is that the time? I got to go Emma. Hogwarts business." Hagrid  told Emma

Hagrid handed Emma her train ticket and left the station. Emma look at her ticket. The ticket said platform 9 and 3/4. Emma looked around the station with a confuse and blank look on her face.

"Come on. Lets not be late for Hogwarts." A middle aged lady says passing by Emma

Following the middle aged lady is two girls about Emma's age. Emma follows them. One of the girls then disappear into a wall. Emma gasps amazed.

"Miss... how do I do that?" Emma aks the middle age women

"It's simple really. Just run right between the two platform." She answers

The other girl runs into the wall and disapears. Emma nervously does the same. Emma looks around at the new surroundings. She gasp. It's a breathtaking view. Emma gets onto the train and sits into an empty compartment. Emma starts getting anxious about her new school. Someone opens the compartment door, snapping Emma out of her thoughts.

Author's Notes: Here's an update! Sorry it took awhile. Please vote and comment. Don't be afraid to get me criticism.

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