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One of the girls from King's Cross Station walks in.

"Is it okay if I sit in here?" She asks Emma

Emma nods and the girl sits across from Emma. The girl introduce her self as Mary Margaret Blanchard. Emma didn't even have to introduce herself, Mary Margaret already knew all about the famous Emma Swan. Emma showed Mary Margaret the star shape scar on her forhead. The snack trolley then came up to their compartment. Mary Margaret  embarrassed, admitted she didn't have any money. Emma took a hand full of her money out of her bag, and gave it to the lady in charge of the trolley.

Emma and Mary Margaret stuffed their faces with the candy. A young boy about the same age, as Emma and Mary Margaret. cleared his throat at the door of the compartment. Emma and Mary Margaret puts down their candy and wiped their faces before looking over at the door.

"Have you guys seen a frog?" The boy asked

Emma shook her head along with Mary Margaret. The boy took out his wand, and he used it to clean up the mess, that Emma and Mary Margaret had managed to make. Without a word the boy walked back out of the compartment.

Within minutes, the train arrived at Hogwarts. As Emma got off the train she heard a familiar voice.

"Come on, first years follow me!" Hagrid shouted

All of the first years gathered around Hagrid, as he led them to boats. The first years climbed on the boats in pairs, as they made their way to the castle. Waiting at the entrance of the castle is Professor McGonagall.

"They should be ready for you shortly. You will be sorted into a house. There are four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Your house will be like your family. At the end of each school year, the house with the most house points will be awarded the house cup."

Professor McGonagall instructed the first years to wait patiently, as she went to see if everyone else had arrived. As soon as she went inside, a young girl with black hair walked up to Emma.

"I thought I heard that Emma Swan is here. Well, let me introduce my self. Regina Mills."

Mary Margaret scoffed at Regina's name.

Regina just rolled her eyes.

"I can help you choose the right friends." Regina said extending her hand to Emma.

"I can choose my friends for myself. Thank you." Emma replied as she pushed Regina hand away. Before Regina could do anything, Professor McGonagall came back outside. The professor led the first years into the great hall.

"You are to line up in a straight line, once I call your name step up and put the sorting hat on. The sorting hat will then shout out your house." McGonagall explained to the first years

"Mary Margaret Blanchard!"

Mary Margaret nervously walked up to the stool, and put on the hat. Almost instantly the hat yelled


Mary Margaret made her way to the Gryffindor table, as claps filled the great hall. The room went quiet again, as McGonagall called

"Ashley Boyd"

A little blonde girl, walked up to the stool and shakily put the hat on. The sorting hat took a little to make it decision.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat yelled out

Ashley made her way to the Hufflepuff table as claps, once again filled the great hall. McGonagall called the next person.

"Belle French"

"Ravenclaw" The hat shouted

"Killian Jones" Professor shouted

A young boy with black hair walked up to the stool. Emma couldn't help but be attracted to him. Emma was staring at him, and almost didn't here the hat shout


Killian happy about his house walked to the table. He high fived his friends.

"Ruby Lucas!"

"Hufflepuff!" The hat yelled out

"Regina Mills" Professor McGonagall yelled out next

Regina walked up to the stool and put on the hat confidently. Before the hat even touched Regina's head, it yelled out


Regina walked to the Slytherin table with stride.

"David Nolan" McGonagall called next

The boy from the Hogwarts Express walked up to the stool. Immediately the hat shouted


David proudly walked to the Gryffindor table.

"Emma Swan!" Professor McGonagall finally called Emma's name

Emma anxiously walked up to the stool. She put the hat on her head. Emma half expected the hat to yell out Slytherin, but it took its time making a decision. The other students started murmuring as the hat still took its time.

"Hmm... Where shall you go? Gryffindor or Slytherin?" The hat whispered

Emma kept repeating to herself

"Gryffindor... Gryffindor..."

At long last the hat yelled out its final decision


The room boomed with claps and shouts of excitement. Even the headmaster was clapping loudly. Emma walked over to the table and sat with Mary Margaret. Headmaster Dumbledore stood up.

"I have just a few announcements and reminders. First years are to not go into the Forbidden Forest. The third floor corridor is off limits to all students. I would like to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirrell. Now let the feast begin!"

Plates and glasses appeared on the tables along with lots and lots of food. Emma and everyone else dugged into their food. After everyone was full, the house prefects led there houses to the dormitories.

Author's Notes: Yay! I updated! Hope you like it. Please comment and vote. I would really enjoy any feedback or criticism you might have. Thanks! :)

Emma Swan and the Sorcerer's HatWhere stories live. Discover now