XII. This Has To Be A Joke

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"Wakey wakey" the accented voice broke through my subconcious. Before I could even think to open my eyes, pain rocketed through my skull, causing my face to scrunch up in agony. As I slowly became aware of the rest of my body I realised that I ached everywhere. Each muscle felt overworked, like I'd run miles. "Come on now. Don't keep us waiting" the voice spoke again as rough hands shook my shoulders. Slowly blinking my eyes open I was greeted by a skinny man with grey hair and a manic grin. "Well hello love" the sadistic grin on his face widened.

"Ww-what do y-you want?" I stuttered, my voice hoarse and scratchy.

"Ah straight to the point I like it" he laughed, "Well before we get into motives why don't we introduce ourselves.You see I already know who you are Mrs Trager. The only woman mad enough to try and tame the animal that is Tig Trager" I scowled at him, which only caused his grin to grow, "It seems only fair that you know who I am. My name is Galen" My eyes widened at the name. I had heard that name before. My head pounded, not only with the pain, but with the sudden realisation. The Irish accent. The name. He was IRA.

"What do you want?" I asked again, my voice stronger, "The Sons are done with you!"

"They might be done with me" Galen grinned maliciously, "But I am not done with them!" I looked at the man in horror and confusion, "You see Anya, do you mind if I call you Anya?" he didn't even pause to allow me to argue, "When the Sons told us they wanted to take a step back we were very upset. We had a long standing and successful relationship and they were just going to throw that away. Obviously your man Jax had come up with a grand exit strategy, helping us shift our business to other groups. I almost wanted to congratulate the boy for thinking of it all. When we pushed them for support a little longer than necessary we were hoping that they would see the error in their ways and come back. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't had this all planned since then. Oh no. We've given it a good shot with the new chaps, but things have been moving slowly. Deals haven't been as fast moving or as fruitful as we hoped. And now - now, well we're losing an awful lot of money, and that's very bad for the cause"

"So why aren't you talking to them?" I spoke hoarsely, coughing slightly, "I can't reinstate your deal" I scowled.

"Now while that may be true love, I'm sure you've noticed that those boys of yours respond best to acts of violence. Unfortunately nothing else seems to get through to them. I knew if we asked they'd outright turn us down. Especially once we found out they had sent Clay packing. But we tracked him down, all the way in Arizona and he was good enough to help us put a plan in place. Take a loved one hostage until they agree to our demands. I had planned to use Jackson's wife, but it was dear old Clay who sold you out. I think he has some unsettled business with your old man" I frowned as he mentioned my husband. Alex had explained that he and Clay had been close, but he also explained how Clay had betrayed him and the club and how heartbroken Alex had been to discover that one of his closest friends was a backstabbing bastard. It would appear that Clay was still mad about Alex's change of loyalty.

"Good for him" I spat angrily.

"Now love, don't be getting yourself upset. It'll do you no good" he smirked down at me, "You'll be staying with us until we can make an arrangement with the club. Now there are some ground rules. You aren't leaving this room, so don't even ask. There will always be someone outside that door keeping an eye on you. But most importantly, behave yourself, you're in no danger here. We won't hurt you - not unless your boys try to get out of this deal, but I suspect they'll be doing whatever we ask them to once they find out who has the lovely Mrs Trager. So be a good girl now, the men don't have a lot of patience for mouthy women, do as you're told and you won't have any problems. Someone will be down to check on you in a bit"

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