XIX. A Final Farewell

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There were tears pouring out of my eyes, and they had been falling for what seemed like forever. My baby was back in my arms. I hardly recognised him he had grown so much. Braxton was now the spitting image of his father, bouncing, dark curls flopped over his forehead and his bright blue eyes shone.

My nerves had been all over the place when I heard that Gemma and Nero were on their way with Braxton. Would he remember me? Or would he wonder why a strange woman was virtually squeezing him to death?

But Braxton seemed to know instantly who I was, and he didn't hesitate to thrash his little arms around asking to be held. He also seemed to understand how much pain and joy I felt. I'd been holding him in a tight embrace for around 20 minutes and he didn't even squirm, he simply rested his head on my shoulder, his chubby little fingers grasping a handful of my t-shirt as I sobbed into his curls.

"Told you he missed you," Alex smiled as he took a seat beside me.

"I hope I never have to spend a day without him again," I whispered as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"You won't!" Alex promised grabbing a hold of one of my hands, "I'm never going to let the two of you out of my sight" he joked. With a light smile I leant into his embrace, happily listening to Braxton babble away in his baby talk as he played with the ends of my hair.

"Didn't ever think I'd see that," Kozik chuckled as he watched the Trager family.

"Tell me 'bout it brother," Chibs chuckled, "she brings out the best in him. As daft as it sounds I think he needed someone who needed him if you catch my drift."

"Makes sense," Jax nodded absentmindedly.

"Club ain't gonna be the same without him," Opie sighed, causing a ripple of muted agreement around the group, as the happy faces fell. Losing a brother was always difficult, and even though they knew it wouldn't be forever, it would be hard to watch the Trager's leave for an indefinite period of time. Tig, for all his faults, was one of the most loyal members of the club. In his time he had done some awful things in the name of the club, he had been the loyal servant who would do anything and everything without question. Tig Trager would die for the club if you asked him to, but now the club had brought him a world of pain in the last few months. His wife kidnapped, her whereabouts and safety unknown, his home burned to the ground, and his son motherless, all because of the club.

Anya meant something special to each and every member of the club, and their families. They had saved her and given her a life she never imagined she would have, before their past had come back to haunt them and had almost cost her her life.

Jax shook his head with a small sigh as he remembered he would have to stop calling her Anya. The next time they saw her she would have lived as Hannah Coburn for a long time, it would be her new life, maybe this one would be kinder to her than the last.

"You need anything, you call me. You don't need anything you call me, you understand?" Gemma ordered as I placed the last of our bags in the trunk of the truck that Lorca has found for me.

"I will Gemma, don't worry," I assured her. I might have been mistaken, but the former Queen of SAMCRO looked worried.

"I'll always worry about you," she muttered as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "You're family now, and I always worry about my family." I smiled softly before wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.

"I don't know how I can thank you for everything Gemma," I whispered into the hug.

"Shut up, you're not allowed to make me cry," she sniffed slightly in response, as she squeezed me, making me laugh under my breath, "Just get yourself home as soon as you can."

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