Chapter 9

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Sawyer to the right -> 

♡ Chapter 9 ♡ 

"You want to apply to Columbia, right?" Celia Prince smirked at me, as she spun her Parker pen. "Journalism?" 

 "No. What makes you think that?" I lied blatantly, staring at her dead in the eye. 

"Well, my son told me that you were planning to go there," She briefly stated, as she pointed to the pile of papers in my hands, "Go on, read it." 

I shot her a look, before focusing my attention on the paper, and scanning each sentence. 

As of this date, Sawyer Adams will abide the terms and conditions set by the company, Prince. 

Sawyer Adams will work under Celia Prince's company, Prince, for the next two years as stated of the contract. She will walk for a minimum of eight runway shows, and take part in at least six photoshoots and advertisements. 

In return, once the contract has ended, a full scholarship will be provided to Sawyer Adams to the Columbia University for a Journalism major, all expenses paid (including boarding fees, school tuition, supplies). 

However, if Sawyer Adams breaks the contract, she will have to pay a penalty fee of $500,000, or face legal charges in court. 

Below, it was a line for me to sign, a line for Celia Prince to sign, and a line for a witness to sign. 

"What makes you think that I can't apply to Columbia by myself? And that I need to rely on you?" I said sort of rudely, narrowing my eyes at her. 

"The dean of Columbia has been purchasing clothes from my line for the past few years. I'm sure that if you don't abide to my contract, your name will be on a certain black list," Celia Prince smiled frostily, her blue eyes cold. "You can kiss good bye to Columbia, and say hello to community college." 

My heart palpitated, and my blood ran cold. I could feel a bead of sweat trickling down my back as I gulped down my spit. Community college? Where my two brothers attended? Where I had to waste three years of my life doing some basic degree, before doing another?

I didn't want to waste my life in community college. Not after taking all the AP classes so that I could get a grade point average of 4.5. I couldn't waste my effort. 

Even if I tried to get into the Navy, and went to college two years later, I wouldn't be accepted into Columbia because of stupid Celia Prince and that blacklist.

I could apply to the second best school for journalism, UC Berkeley, but a gut feeling told me that Celia Prince would get me blacklisted there too.

"Two years is really long," I finally relented, and I picked up the pen shakily as I stared at the contract. 

"My contracts for my other models are usually four years, and they don't get such a good deal out of it. Most of them actually want to model, unlike you," Celia Prince rolled her eyes at me, as she took out her red lipstick and re-applied a few layers of it on her lips. 

"Will I get, you know, paid?" I asked quietly. 

"Yes. I'll pay you two hundred for one show, and five hundred for a Prince photoshoot. You will be under a modeling agency owned by my company as well, and you can model for other brands that are linked with our company. Your salary depends on the number of gigs you get," She explained.

That salary wasn't that bad, actually. If I earned two hundred a show, and I could get around ten shows, it would be two thousand. The salary was way better than the Navy, definitely. 

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