Chapter Eleven

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*trigger warning for violence/death*

November 6th

"What do mean we're going back to detective work? Specifically homicide?" I ask frustratingly as I look across the table at Kyle who is sifting through a file of paperwork. It's been a week since the raid at Check.

"Listen, Camila, it's either homicide or I place you both on desk duty," he returns as he closes the file and looks at Elise and me.

"Why can't we stay on the Chess case?" Elise questions as she takes a sip of her coffee, her red lipstick staining the side of the paper cup.

"Because the Chess case is at a standstill," he explains. "We've taken down Check, and for right now, that's all we can do. Until we find out where they manufacture and store their drugs, all we can do is wait. That's why I'm putting you on the serial murders that have been occurring lately. You both work great together, so there isn't a need to separate you."

"So there isn't another option?" 

I don't want to go back to homicide. That's why I agreed to move back to Seattle in the first place.

"Unfortunately not."

I groan as Kyle hands over files to Elise and me, detailed reports of all of the murders that have occurred recently. All of the victims have been strangled with some kind of wire or cord, their mouths stuffed with a chess piece. The victim's bodies were found out in the open for anyone to stumble upon. More importantly, the police. And they all have occurred within a short amount of time. It's definitely the work of a serial killer.

As I thumb through the case files, I cringe upon seeing the gruesome photos from the scene, and I start to panic when I remember that the victims are supposed to represent the girls. I can't imagine how I would feel if I found one of them dead. Then I remember their friends, former girlfriends...and ex-fiancées.

"Can I see Rachel Simmons, Troy Ogletree's, Lucy Vives' files?" I ask as I set the other folders down.

"What do you need them for?" Kyle gets up from his seat to rummage through a filing cabinet, digging through them for the desired files.

"I think they're all linked somehow," I say, knowing very well that they are.

"Why do you say that?" He sets down the three files I asked for before returning to his seat. Elise stands up to get herself another cup of coffee.

I shrug. "Just a hunch. I'll let you know if I come across anything."

He nods before looking at his watch.

"Another thing," he adds. "We're doing a press conference about the serial murders in fifteen minutes. Which one of you is going to do it?"

"What?!" Both Elise and I ask in unison. I turn to look at her to see her looking back at me with a concerned face.

"We already gave a press conference about these murders a couple of months ago," I try to reason.

"They are happening faster now, Camila, and we still don't even have a real lead on who it could be. It isn't safe for anyone right now."

"Can we have a minute to discuss this?" I look back at Kyle to see that he has already gotten up from his seat and heading towards the door.

"Sure, but make it quick. I'll be down in front of the station." And with that, he leaves. 

Elise rushes over and sits beside me, her coffee long forgotten.

"We can't do this, Elise. The girls will see the news and we will be outed. What if Lauren sees? How do I explain this to her? This isn't how I wanted this—"

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