Chapter Fourteen

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November 25th

"I swear to God if I have to fill out one more report I'm going to go crazy."

"It's not that bad," Elise says while looking at the colorful food wrappers as we walk through the supermarket.

"Not that bad? Elise, I literally filled out seven reports yesterday from supposed witnesses to the murders who just wanted the cash."

I watch her put some kale chips into the rolling cart I'm pushing, and I roll my eyes before grabbing a bag of marshmallows and throwing them in behind the candy.

"Ugh, can we not talk about work?" Elise groans, crossing her arms over her chest as we turn down the next aisle.

I sigh before growing silent. Kyle has been busting our asses to get the serial killer under control, but with no leads or real witnesses we're at a standstill, which caused Kyle to be a prick and threaten to send us on another undercover operation in Cannes.

Elise throws in a bag of cookies as we pass them, and I huff with annoyance before putting them back, smiling as she catches me in the act.

"How do you even know that the girls will want a Thanksgiving dinner?" she asks as she looks through the shelves and picking up random items.

"I don't, but I want to do something nice." I turn from Elise who is once again sneaking in the bag of cookies to grab a box of stuffing. "That reminds me, I need to call Lauren."

I put the box in the cart before pulling out my phone and handing Elise the list of supplies to take care of as I dial Lauren's number.

"Camila?" She answers on the second ring, and I sense a hint of trepidation in her voice. It's been two weeks since I've talked to her after all, and we didn't exactly end things pleasantly.

"Hi, Lauren, are you busy?" I can't help the butterflies that erupt in my stomach upon hearing her chuckle.

"No, not at all. The girls and I are just watching TV. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine...I just thought that since these last two weeks have been tense for everyone that I would cook dinner for you all." I take a deep breath as I feel myself becoming nervous for some reason. "It's Thanksgiving, and I've never not made Thanksgiving dinner. I just didn't know if that would be okay with you..."

"Of course, you know the girls and I love your cooking, Ace." I smile at her comment and look up to find Elise throwing an arm full of cans into the cart before turning away from me once more.

"Perfect, I just have one stipulation."

"And that is?" I hear cheering on here side of the phone as I realize they must be watching some kind of game.

"I'm bringing Elise." I squint my eyes and wait for the protests, but they never come.

Lauren laughs into the phone and I match it awkwardly.

"Alright, I'll warn Natasha. See you soon."

"Wait," I say, stopping her. "How's Normani doing?"

I hear her sigh through the receiver, and the noise in the background can no longer be heard. She's moved rooms.

"She's Normani, you know? She gets all dark and twisty sometimes, but she always comes back. It's just in her nature to go ape shit on us."

"And you're okay? I mean, you and all of the girls are fine with each other? Since..." I can't finish the sentence before Zendaya's face flashes through my mind.

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