Chapter Thirteen

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*trigger warning for death*

November 10

I wake up to a cold bed, groggily rolling over to see Elise's side of the bed empty, the sheets ruffled and crumpled at the end of the bed. The sun is shining through the blinds so I know it's before noon.

I sit up and push the hair out of my face, rubbing it to bring some life back to it. Trudging to the bathroom to take a much needed shower, I catch a glimpse of Elise lying on the couch staring at a soundless television. I frown as I see her still in Natasha's sweatshirt, a light blanket covering the rest of her body. How long has she been out here? I wonder.

I let the warm water wash off everything about yesterday's events, soothing my skin. I let my mind drift to Lauren, thinking about the kiss we shared in the rain. Bringing my fingers up to my lips and letting them linger there, I swear I could still taste her. I smile against my digits as I shake my head. She has a hold on me, and for some reason I'm okay with it. I begin to wash my hair, hoping she won't be too upset with me for leaving so suddenly yesterday. It seems we've taken a step in our relationship, and of course, I do something to ruin it. I smile again, though, at the thought of seeing her again soon.

Once I'm changed into a new pair of clothes and dry my hair, I pull it back into a ponytail and walk out into the living room to find Elise still on the couch. I approach her slowly, not wanting to scare her. As I get closer, I can see that her cheeks are tear stained. She's been crying. I sit down on the empty space she creates by scooting back against the couch. She sniffles as she looks up at me, and I instinctively reach out and stroke her hair.

"How are you feeling?" I ask softly.

She subtly shakes her head. 

"Like shit," she sighs. Her voice is so hoarse that it sounds like she's been screaming nonstop, not once stopping for air. "I never thought it would feel this bad."

"What would?" I stop my movements to listen to her.

"Being in love."

I close my eyes and hang my head. I'm not sure how much more my heart can take watching her suffer, but I know that there isn't much I can do. I lean down as kiss her forehead as I hear her sniffle again, bringing her hand up to wipe the tears away.

"It'll get better, Elise. We'll figure something out." I lean back up and continue to stroke her hair.

"Somehow, I'm not so sure about that." 

I frown again at her words as she flips the channel on the soundless television, clearly done with the conversation. I stand up and put on a jacket, grabbing my purse and keys from the counter.

"I'll be back later, okay? Try and eat something if you can. And Elise?" She looks over at me from the couch, realizing I'm talking to her. "Take care of yourself," I say before giving her a light smile and exiting the apartment. Once I'm outside I take a deep breath, letting the much needed air enter my lungs. Being in that apartment is emotionally draining.

The drive the girls' mansion is fast, seeing as I'm excited to get there and see Lauren. I park my car and practically skip up the stairs to the door with a smile on my face. I feel like a giddy teenager who just got their first girlfriend. Wait, girlfriend? I shake my head to rid the ludicrous thought and knock on the door.

"It's open, dear!" I hear Ally call from inside. 

I open the doors to the grand home and immediately dart for the kitchen, knowing that's where I would most likely find them. I walk into the kitchen to see Normani cooking something over to the stove as Lauren and Ally sip on their coffees at the breakfast bar as Dinah scrolls through her phone at the kitchen table.

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