Scene 9: Rian the Therepist

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  (The stage lights shine so the whole stage is lit. RIAN and ALEX are sitting in a hallway)

Rian: What's up?

Alex: I really miss Wendy. I couldn't sleep without her.

Rian: Look, she still loves you, and you still love her right?

Alex: Yeah, definitely.

Rian: Then you'll be okay. I promise, and aren't you going to get her in a couple days?

Alex: Yeah, five days. How am I supposed to make it that long when it's been a day without her, and I can't sleep?

Rian: I'll distract you, you can do this. I know you can.

Alex: It's going to be difficult, but I think I can make it five more days.

(JACK walks up to ALEX and RIAN)

Jack: Hey guys, band practice at my house tonight. It has to be late so plan on staying the night.

Alex: Perfect, a distraction from Wendy. Jack, you're a genius!

Jack: I try, even though I have no clue what I did.

Rian: You distracted him, now he won't think about Wendy.

Jack: Oh, good, he was too sad.

Rian: Wouldn't you be sad if you're girlfriend had to move?

Jack: I don't have a girlfriend, I'm too much of a player.

Rian: You know what I mean.

Jack: Yes I know what you mean, I'm just messing with you.

Rian: Come on, let's get out of here.

(JACK, RIAN, and ALEX walk off stage as the stage lights dim to black.) 

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