Scene 16: The Great Chase

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(All stage lights shine on JACK and JACK'S DATES. They are chasing him down a hallway.)

Jack: Woah! Slow it down! Stop running! Quit chasing me! ect.

Jack's Dates: You are a horrible date! I hate you! You're the worst! ect.

(JACK'S DATES continue chasing him. ALEX walks on stage.)

Alex: Ladies, ladies calm down. Obviously you're missing the big picture here. Jack didn't want to hurt any of you so he asked all of you, just in case nobody had asked you yet. It was harmless.

(JACK'S DATES stop chasing him.)

Jack: Thanks Alex. I thought I was a goner there.

Alex: No problem. I gotta stand up for my friends... and high heels hurt when they're thrown at you.

(A bell rings.)

Jack: Come on, let's get to Music.

(JACK and ALEX walk off stage as the lights black out.)

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