Chapter 8.

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Waking up to see Harry lying next to you is incredibly relaxing. The way his lips are slightly parted, the way his eye lids flutter slightly, the way his hair flops across his face and the way his nose whistles a little when he breathes out of it.

I push the cover off me gently and slip out of bed. I walk over to Harry's bedroom door, being careful not to make a sound. I pull the door open and make sure the hallway is clear before darting across the hall, into the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and flick the lock. I use the toilet then wash my hands. The small clock on the wall says it's 8:29 am. I shouldn't be awake this early on my day off. After slipping my boxers off and placing the, on the floor, I turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up. As soon as it's hot enough, I get in.

The water trickles down my body, a few drops splash off my hair. It's nice to just stand in the shower, unless you're me. If you're me, standing in the shower is nice, until you look down at your body. You're covered in scars and cuts. Fresh cuts burn in the shower. Although you don't hate your cuts, you'll never have perfect clear skin again. That thought hurts sometimes.

I picked up a bottle of apple and mango shampoo, squeezed a dollop of it into the palm of my hand and lathered it through my hair, It smelt really good. There was a bottle of Lynx shower gel on the side, which I used to wash my body. Once I was clean, I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair and body with a towel.

I hold my boxers over my private parts and open the door quietly. Making sure the hallway was clear from Harry or any of his family, I make my way down the hall and towards Harry's bedroom door. Suddenly, I hear a small gasp behind me. I turn around and hide my bum from whoever had just witnessed it. I find myself facing a girl who I've never seen before.

She looked about my age and had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. Her hair was long and blonde, flowing perfectly across her face. She's absolutely gorgeous and she's standing infront of a boyband member, holding only a pair of boxers over his private parts. My scars. This girl can see my scars. What if she tells someone? I can't let that happen.

"Um, hey, sorry, I, um, didnt expect anyone to, uh, be out here". I stuttered. I can feel myself blushing. Why was I blushing infront of this girl? She giggles and twirls a piece of hair between her index finger and her thumb.

"No no, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to run into you out here". She starts to blush too. This girl seems to be getting even more beautiful by the second.

"I'm Chloe". She smiles, putting her hand out towards me. I take one hand off my boxers and shake her hand.

"I'm Niall". I return the smile.

"I know". She giggles, again.

"Can you do me a favour? Uh, please don't tell anyone about- this". I say, waving my arms infront of my scars.

"I'm Gemma's best friend, I've been trusted with alot of secrets about you guys before. I won't utter a word". She smiles. Alot of secrets? I wonder how much this girl knows about us.

"Thank you so much, well, I'm gonna put some clothes on, see ya" I say smiling. She says goodbye and I run off to Harry's room, trying to hide my bum. I push the door open quietly and walk inside. I shut the door behind me and walk over to my bag to get some clean boxers.

"So, you just met Chloe I take it?" Harry's voice surprises me, as I didn't think he was awake. He sits up in bed and I nod.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask, picking up a pair of Calvin Klein boxers.

"I could hear you talking. She's nice isn't she". He smiles.

"Uh, yeah she is". Harry turns around as I slip my clean boxers on. I pick up some clean clothes and slip them on. The room is silent.

"Harry, is that- um, who that text was off yesterday?". I ask nervously. Even though he said he would tell me, I feel rude for asking.

"No! God no!" He says, shaking his head. Good. Wait, what? Why am I happy that it wasn't off her? I've only just met this girl.

"She's Gemma's best friend, I've known her ages. I don't think of her in that way and I know she doesn't like me like that either". I nod in reply and I do my hair in the mirror. Harry stands up, changes his boxers and throws on some clean clothes.

"She's single you know". He says winking at me. I feel my heart racing and I get a bit happier all of a sudden. He sprays on some aftershave and I put on some of my own. I throw on a jacket and he does the same.

"Mums cooked breakfast for us all, lets go" Harry says, walking towards his door.

"Us all?"

"Yes. Chloe included, so be cool". He winks and we exit the room. We walk down the stairs and I say good morning to Anne.

"Take a seat, love!" Anne says, gesturing for me to sit at the table. I sit down and Harry takes a seat opposite me. Anne places coffee infront of us both. A few minutes later, Gemma walks into the room, followed by Chloe. She looks even more gorgeous than she did half an hour ago, when she saw me basically naked.

Gemma takes a seat next to Harry and they exchange mischievous smiles at eachother. Chloe sits next to me and knocks her foot against mine under the table.

"Oops, sorry!" She blushes.

"Don't worry about it" I laugh. Harry winks at me and kicks me under the table. Anne walks in with two trays of food. She's gone all out and made a full English breakfast for us all.

"I could've helped you with that!" I say to Anne as she places a plate infront of each of us.

"Don't be silly love! You're a guest". She smiles and takes a seat next to me, as we all tuck into to our breakfast.

What would you do if you saw Niall basically naked in a hallway? Haha! I'll post a picture of Chloe on my twitter, @imagineboys1D, so you know what she looks like when I talk about her. Hope you're enjoying this so far!:) -OneDirectionWriting

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