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Sorry I haven't been updating a lot, Please forgive me. Also thank you SOOOOoooo much for all the reads!
Warning: no back story, like they go right into the relationship. ~sorry for how long that took, here!

    Bill stood in the shower, the warm water running down his soaked skin and rushing down the drain on the shower floor. He didn't move, he didn't think about moving. The warm water and the steady even sound of the dripping water coming from the shower head was the only thing keeping him sane.

    The thoughts running through his head were maddening. All the guilt he never felt in his multi-dimensional form came back to him all at once in his newly formed human body. All the lives he altered, destroyed, corrupted, ended; they all haunted him the moment his bare human foot hit the solid earth.

    At fist he tried to ignore the thoughts, they'll go away, he thought, they hadn't. Bill didn't know how he got this far, but he had the Pines to thank for that.

    Bill had wandered around the dense forest for two days, dehydrated, starving, filthy, cold, and verging on insane. Dipper was the one who found him, Bill couldn't believe it when little pine tree had shown up in front of him, looking older and concerned. Little pine tree, wasn't so little.

    When Dipper had found Bill he was shivering in a cave, pale and shivering, nothing but skin and bones cacked in mud and covered in tree sap with leaves and twigs lining his body. Dipper threw off the jacket Mable had stolen from the Mystery Shack and given to him for his 17th birthday and covered him up to the best of his ability.

    Ford and Stan had left Gravity Falls for a while, a vacation that they had definitely earned. They felt the twins could manage themselves and left them to stay in the shack by themselves for the duration of the summer. Mable and Dipper were the only ones currently staying in it.

    Bill had been transported to the shack by Dipper, Bill had to lean on him in order to keep from falling over.  Dipper had carried Bill the remainder of the journey after he fell down, twice.

    Dipper had brought Bill into his room he shared with his sister, who was currently gone. Dipper had immediately tried to remove all of the twigs and leaves from Bills body before leaving the room and returning with multiple water bottles, three peanut butter sandwiches and a first aid kit.

    Dipper had Bill lay down on a blanket he striped from his bed before he turned up the heater while telling Bill to remove the jacket. Bill does as he's asked while Dipper looked over his body, cleaning up all the scrapes he can find. After fully inspecting both front and back sides of Bills body and carefully cleaning all of his wounds and stitching up one cut he had Bill sit up before he slowly started to feed him.

    At first, when Dipper had handed him a bottle of water Bill had started to guzzle it before he started chocking. He barley made it to the trash can in the corner of the room before he vomited up all the water and acid in his stomach.

    Pine tree had walked over and rubbed Bills back before dragging him back to the blanket and wrapping him up in it. After Bill stopped shaking Dipper slowly have him small sips of the water until Bill had drunk two bottles. Dipper then pulled off small bites of the sandwiches and feeding them to Bill.

    Once Bill had eaten enough and drank at least four water bottles Dipper carried him to the bathroom down the stairs. Bill was still pretty weak, but he was stronger than when Dipper had found him in the forest not just hours ago.

    Dipper had leaned Bill up against the tiled wall of the shower before he turned on the water. It took a little while for Dipper to decide the water was at a good temperature before he stationed Bill to stand directly under the spray of the water.

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