Author Notie

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Hey Fellow readers!

Eimee here!

Guys i'm sorry if i let you dowon on not publishing another chappie for my forgotten story...

Its just that i forgot my wattpad app on my phone because i've been busy on those days,

Thats when i forgot my freakin password.

I actually remember my last visit on my wattpad account (this one) is that i didn't delete the application,

Well thanks to my little sister, she deleted it,

She said that i didn't use it that much that she deleted it,

So yeah, here i am now...apologizing to all my readers that patiently waited for a UD for my story,

Sorry guys..i'm so sorry..i know that no one waited for that long to wait for my update..but hopefully someone did...

But anyways...Here i am! Today, and i'll be posting another UD for my story!



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