A Mistake

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Clark's POV

My vision blurs as i adjust in the light of the sun, my head spins as i feel it pounding, i stand up to find myself inside a room, more like an office,

I find myself laying on a couch, i look down on myself wearing jeans and a black shirt,

A creaking sound came from my left, i make myself invisible as i turn to look at the person causing the sound,

A lady...

Her scent....

Her blood...

I'm thirsty...

She looked around the office, her glasses sliding slightly off her nose, she made her way to the desk and placed a folder,

i stood up and carefully walked closer to her, my steps silent and agile, yet my cold body must have alerted her, cause she took notice of the temperature of the air and immedietly left,

I sighed as her scent slowly faded, i went back to the couch as i feel each step i take weaken my body,

The door opens, revealing Drake slightly damped in sweat,

"Ah, Clark your awake, how are you feeling?" He asked as he closed the door behind him and took of his jacket, he walks to his desk and puts on his glasses, he opens the folder placed on his desk and reads it,

"Fine...but i'm thirsty" i said as he nodded and returned the folder back to his desk,

"Then lets get you something to drink" he said and opened a closet, he tossed me a black jacket, i eyed him curiously as he raises his hands in the air,

"Do you want someone to see your face while your teeth are sunken into someone's neck?" He asks, irritated, i mouth an 'oh' before turning around and putting on the jacket,

"We'll have to walk till we get to the forest, we can't risk feeding in the city, someoene might see us, and we don't want that" He said as he puts on his jacket, he places a knife at the side of his shoe before tossing me one,

"Whats this?" I ask, he groans, irritated by my stupidity, he mutters under his breath as he walks to the door,

"Lets just get there so you can feed" he said as i shrug and catch up to him,


We've been walking down the streets of the city for 5 mins, Drake is far way in the front, leaving me at the back, following him,

I could see all the girls i'm passing by stare at me, some girls shrieked and giggled as they passed, some whispered to their friend and they would turn at me and smile, while others would just simply stare,


But as long as they don't approach me i'll be fine

Cause if they do...i might not contain my hunger anymore...

"Come on this way" he said as he turned to the end of the street, I quickened my pace and followed, darkness fills my vision as i enter a dark alley leading to the entrance of the forest,

"You'll come to feed in this path, This way when you use your abilities no one can see or hear you, There are many other open areas to enter the forest, mostly humans use those, so i suggest you take this one" he said as i hear his voice on the further front to my left,

"Yeah, yeah sure" i said as a shade of light appears on the end of the alley,

"I'll leave you here, i have to get back to my office, you know where to go back after you feed" he said as i felt a quick wind pass thrugh my left and left me alone in the darkness,

I walk towards the light as i see the green trees shading a small amount of the sunlight,

Squirrels and Birds cause soft harmonic sounds around the trees, But no sound of any ceunching of branches or footsteps can be heard,

Just Nature

I sit on a dead log and focus on my senses, I close my eyes and feel any humans around me,

A crunching sound comes in contact with my senses, About 1 km near me, I quickly run to the direction and cloak myself,

A lady admiring the scenery of the forest, her hazelnut eyes reflect in the sun's light, her body wrapped in a cozy jacket, her jeans slightly fading,

I didn't realize it was a cold weather when she breathed and a puff of smoke came out, She runbed her hands together and sat on a dead trunk,

I slowly but casually walk closer to her, she doesn't hear me until a crunch of a branch,

She turns to me, calm and not fearing, her lips lift into a soft smile,

"Hey" I said trying my best not to shake in hunger,

"Hey, Taking a walk i see?" She said and patted the space next to her, Her blood scent becomes stronger in every step i took closer to her,

I sat down beside her, the urge of sucking down her blood grows stronger inside me,

"Nice day isn't it?" She said as a squirrel climbed to her lap, she lifted it and patted its head before giving it an acorn and placing it to the ground,

"Yeah, it is" This i can't take it anymore, i turned to her as i feel my sharp fangs appear, she sees them and her eyes widen, i stare deep at them and she calms into a serene state,

Her eyes quickly flicker and a shiny object catches my eye,

"Try me bitch" She hissed as her hand held a silver dagger, i immedietly let go of her hand and back away, she smirks and brings out a silver rope,


I run using my speed but she caught my left leg and caught it, i fell to the ground as her boot pressed on my back,

"I'm not as innocent as i look" she whispered in my ear and brought the dagger near my face,

"Any last words Vampy?" She said as i felt the edge of the dagger on my back,

"The names Clark" i said and pushed her to the side as hard as i can, she falls and rolls to the side but immedietly gets up, holding the dagger on her left hand,

"You don't know...who your dealing with" She said and ran to me, a gold light emits from her hand and throws it at my chest, the hard impact of the mysterious ball of light made me fall to the ground,

"What are you? How did you.." Confusion buzzed in me as she smiled and a light floated in her hand, its size increasing in every second, my body felt drained as if the ball that hit me drained all my energy,

"If there are vampires...then there are guradians...and believe me when i say this...i'm going to need you" She said as she threw the ball at my direction as my vision darkened,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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