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Clark's POV

I watch in the peephole, Tracy nods and heads out to the door, the creaking sound stops as soon as she leaves,

Drake walks to his table and hides the purple liquid that he made Tracy drink, he opens the vault and places it inside,

I roam my eyes around this dark room, i don't see any chance i can escape,

No windows

No light source

No anything

Just darkness

A click sound came from the door, i hopped to the darkest part of the room and hide silently,

Drake slowly opens the door, his eyes searching the dark room, i try my hardest not to move, my movements will cause these chains around me wrigle and make jingling sounds,

My breath stopped when his eyes landed on my direction, yet he can't seem to place where i'm hiding,

"Clark, i know your in here...come out or i'll make you" He said in a cold and dark voice, my heartbeat quickened when he dug his hand inside his pocket,a black remote clutched to his hand,

He presses the blue button on it and my chains reacted with a electrifying buzz,

The electric shock made a burning sensation to my skin, i bite my lip to not make any sound,

The agonizing pain makes me sweat, my skin felt so piercing and hot, buzzed and paralyzed,

Unfortunately, i dropped to the ground with a loud thud,

"Ah, i knew you would eventually give in" he chuckled, his voice echoing to the depths of the dark room,

He drags me outside and into his office, he groans as he carries me by the chains,

"Danmit, why the hell are you so heavy? Those muscles gave you so much weight" he said and dropped me to the couch, he huffed as he sat down on the chair infront of me,

I glare at him in the eye,he looks at me as if i'm not looking at him like i want to kill him,

"So?How's life?" He asks as he clasps his hands together and smiles at me,

"The hell is wrong with you man? You ask me how's life? Even after you kidnapped my girlfriend, bring her here, hypnotize her, for what, your revenge? Don't f***ing do this to her, she doesn't deserve this, Then you taser me, tie me up in chains, drag me here, and then ask me hows life?! Come on man, are you even sane right now?" I stare at him, he doesn't react to what i said and laughs it off,

" know that she's part of my plan all along, she'll always be apart of it...even if you guys are now..just..strangers.." he looked up on me with a smirk on his face, my fist clenched in seeing his stupid smirk,

"Don't you f****ing laugh right now, you coward, fight me without these chains." I demanded, he stops laughing and looks at me dead serious, i don't even care if he kills me right now, i won't back down until he releases Tracy from his hold,

"I'm afraid my friend...i cannot do that Clark..." he says in a serious voice,

"Why not? Your f***ing afraid of me Drake?" I spat the words at him, he stands up and leans in closer to my face, his eyes not breaking contact with mine,

"I'm afraid i have other plans for you...Which i know you wouldn't even think about." And with that, he injected a syringe at my arm, drugging the f**** in me, my eyes became drowsy, before my eyes closed i could hear Drake's mischievous laugh ring in my ears, before i became unconscious,

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