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Clark's POV

I wake up at the sound of a closing door, my eyes squint at the blinding light infront of me,

I try to move forward but someting gets caught in my wrists, chains hold me down ina white wooden bed,

Chains...i hate chains..

I look to my left side to see syringes and needles,


I look to my right to see hankerchiefs, white cloths, a bottle of chloroform and lastly, small liquids in glass,

A creaking sound comes from the left side of the room, Drake walks in with latex gloves on his hands,

Oh Shit Oh shit Oh shit

His face serious as he walks closer to me, a pound of fear hits me inside, his eyes show no emotion as his distance comes nearer to me, i could feel the air in this room turn cold, my sweat runs cold, my lips suddenly quiver,

I'm going to die

And i haven't even said goodbye to Tracy...

"Drake..lets talk this out...maybe have coffee on the cafe outside and-"

"No. I've already planned this, and its going to happen" He said without any hint of pity or sadness, only cold, hard and dark words,

"Don't worry Clark..this won't hurt a bit" A feeling of relief washes through me, a sinister smile forms across his face,

"It will only kill you" His eyes darkened as he took the large syringe filled with a yellow substance inside,

"Come on man..why are you doing this..." I try my hardest not to have a breakdown infront of him, which will make him see how weak i am,

"Don't worry..when you open your eyes...you'll view the world in a different image" Those were his final worlds as he came closer to me with the syringe in his hand,

He glanced back at me before slowly bringing the needle to my skin, I struggle to the chains, trying to move my way out of this,

My eyes close hard as the needle makes contact with my skin, a watery liquid enters my skin,

My blood feels like its being burned in the inside, I struggle to open my eyes as i feel my arms slip away, feeling like they've been paralyzed,

My vision becomes blurry and spinny, Drake goes to the right side and grabs the chloroform and dabs some in the white cloth,

"No...stop...don't do it" My voice came out more like a whisper, he doesn't respond and presses the fabric with chemicals on my face, i try my hardest not to enhale the chemicals fumes but i failed miserably, As my nostrils take in the toxic smell, my eyes completely shut and everything goes black,


I open my eyes, A stinging pain around them, the ones you get after crying, you know that kind of pain when you cry for a long period of time?

I realize that my hands and my feet weren't bound in chains anymore, i sit upright and rub my prickly eyes, the bed i was last in wasn't desame, its like i'm inside a persons room,

But as i was about to stand up from the bed, Drake walks in,

My senses become aware as i could feel a different kind of aura around him,

"Your awake" he said in a low tone, our eyes not breaking contact, his golden eyes seem very captivating than before, but i know my blue ones are even more amazing, right?

He takes 3 steps forward, his eyes seem to have dark emotions in them,

"How are you feeling?" He asked, i look back at the door behind him,

This is my chance to escape

"I feel..fine...not dizzy like a while ago..but i'm fine.." I said in a calm tone, his eyes trail down to my neck, i form my hand into a fist and run to him, i aim my fist to his face, yet he amazingly moved to a vary fast speed, he grabbed both of my hands with one of hid and placed them behind my back, he tightly wrapped his arm to my neck,

And thats when i felt it,two sharp objects peirce through the side of my neck, my legs suddenly weaken,

"Auuuuuhhhh!!!!!" I scream in the agonizing pain it caused me, I tried to struggle at first, trying to escape, But slowly i was loosing my strength, Drake throwed me to the floor, it feels as if my body was slowly dying,I looked up on him, Shocked filled my mind and a million questions crossed it,

What the?

Why does he have fangs?

He looked down on me like i'm his prey, his fangs sharp like the thorn of a rose, blood dripping on his mouth and down to his chin,

"What the f**k? Your a-a...vampire?" My voice croaked as i stare at him, he wipes the blood on his mouth and kneels down to meet my eye level,

"Yes...and soon...you'll be one as well..." he said in a calm tone and his eyes stared deep into mine,

I feel myself trapped in his eyes, his calming golden eyes, i feel myself lose control, lose my mind...

"From now on..you will forget Tracy from your life...you will not speak of anyone that your a vampire...You will erase all feelings for Tracy, i am your bestfriend, you will stay obedient and will follow whatever command i tell you...understand?" He said as i feel myself nod in response,

"Good..." he said and smiled at me, my eyes follow to wherever he went, not breaking contact,

He come closer and a mischievous smile forms his face,

"Welcome to Immortality Clark...May thee Live for as long as Vampires exist" As he said those words, My head falls to the ground and my world goes black,

Hey Guys!!!

I hope you liked it hahahaha

But anyways...the pic above is the only picture i find fitted for the chapter, i don't like the other pics..they're too..bloody...but anyways...i hope you enjoyed it and i'll update another one soon!😄😄😄😄😄💖💖💖💖

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