To Feed

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Drake's POV

I watch as Clark's head thumps to the floor and his eyes completely shut,

I check my watch to see that its already 4:30 am, Pleanty of time for him to prepare...

I carry Clark by his leg and drag him back to my office, taking notr of his ridiculous weight, seriously this man is heavy....

I thrust him to the couch, his heas bobs to the side as he lays, his color slowly draining, his tan skin slowly transforming to pure white,

I slumped back to my chair and close my eyes, somehow, i get confused on why i get tired,

I need blood...

I need another victim...

I can't have Tracy...she's too valuable..

I have to hunt...

I open my eyes to see that i've wasted five minutes thinking,

Better get moving if i want something to boost my strength,

I stand up and glance back to Clark, debating wether to leave him here, chances are if he wakes up without me here he might rampage and wreck the place,

I'll just make this hunger quick and return back here...

I walk to the front door and close it behind me,

I walk to the hallway of my building, i turn left to see the front desk of where my secretary should be,

Dammit...i'm starving like hell..

I grunt and decide to use the perks of being a vampire,

As soon as i open the door to the outside, i use my inhuman speed to get this over with,

I search the streets to find no sign of any human in sight, I slowed down to a pace and took a minute to regain my breath, this may seem easy but its hard if you haven't had blood yet...

I walk around the cold dark streets, my eyes quickly find a lady about my age walking while carrying a paper bag in her hand,probably a quick snack for a night, she rubs her hands together to warm herself in the cold air of the night, her brown locks of hair hits her face as the wind blows, Such a beauty...

And such a good meal...


I sneakily make my way to one of the dark corners of the street to take a good view of her, Fear strikes in her eyes as i accidentaly step on a wooden twig, i crouch down but her eyes met mine,

"Uhm.." She said as she tightened her grip on the paper bag she's holding, i took a step forward and stepped into the lights of the street,

I don't look that bad right? I only wore a black jacket on my white shirt and black slacks, not intimidating right?

She looked cute, now that i'm this close to her, it feels as if i'm hesitating to do this, her brown long hair matches her deep blue eyes, her plump lips match the shade of her rosy cheeks,

And i could feel her luscious scent of blood coursing through her body,

"Hey..hey...don't worry i won't hurt you..." i said in my calmest voice, she flinches and i could sense that she's about to run and scream for help,

"I-I-Please i don't want any trouble...i'm going now if you just-" She started backing away slowly as she spoke, I started to slowly walk closer to her, as the closer i went to her, i could see tears blurring her eyes,

"Don't get anywhere near me or i'll kick you in the groin!-" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to me, tears run down her eyes as she cried, my tight grip on her arm must be a pain to her,

She was about to hit me when i stared deep into her eyes, almost getting lost, her pupils dilate and her sobs become silent,

Her hold on the paperbag loosened and she dropped it to the floor, I smile as she slowly slipped away, giving me full control of her,

"Good...doesn't that feel crying and no tears?" I question her in a soothing voice, she nods as she continues to stare blanklessly,

I bring her to a wall of a building, still staring deep into her eyes, taking hold of her will and mind,

"This may hurt but you won't feel anything, you'll even feel relaxed as i do it, don't make any noises okay, or else i will punish you...alright?" I said as she nodded,

I slowly leaned in closer to her neck, her captivating scent makes me tenpted to drain her blood,

My fangs meet contact into her soft skin, sucking furiously, hungrily, thristing for more, she whimpers as i do my feeding, I could feel her knees wobble so i hold her by the waist to prevent her from falling,

Once i had atleast enough to fill me, i pull away from her neck, two marks planted on her luscious skin, before any blood can drip out i licked it and it instantly healed, the bite vanishing in a instant fade,

I moved in closer to her ear and unconsciously breathed in her scent, pure and vanilla,

"You'll wake up as soon as i snap my fingers, you won't remember me and anthing i've done to you, you'll feel fine and refreshed and will head home, Alright?" I said as she nodded and i smiled, i took one last look on her face, my eyes land on her lips, an urge to kiss her made its way in my mind,

I brushed the thought away and made my way to the shadows, i kneeled down before looking back at her and snapping my fingers,

She opens her eyes and snaps back to reality,

At first she seemed confused, but she soon picked her fallen paperbag on the floor and starts back to her walking journey back home,

As soon as she was out of sight, i quickened my pace walking back to my office as the sun was about rise,

My Personal SoulmateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin