The Castle Mess

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"Mario Luigi". Said Peach. Where are you two? I'm getting irritated! Mario! "Coming Peach". Said Mario. "What is it"? Said Mario. "This castle is a disgrace". "I want you and Luigi to clean up the whole castle". Said Peach. "Why can't you do it"? Asked Mario. "Because I'm off to Toadette's house for a tea party". Said Peach. "Gosh darn it"! Said Mario. "Oh that's to bad isn't it"? Said Peach. "Bye". Said Peach.

"Bye". Said Mario.

Then the doors closed. "Luigi get down here". Said Mario. "What is it"? Said Luigi. "Peach wants us to clean the entire castle before she gets back". Said Mario. "What why"!? Said Luigi. "Apparently she has better things to do". Said Mario. "Well we better get to work then"? Said Luigi. "I guess your right". Said Mario. "Yup". Said Luigi. "Lets start on the downstairs first that way we can work ourselves up the castle". Said Mario. "Good idea"! Said Luigi.

So they got started on cleaning Mario cleaned the kitchen, dining room, the two bathrooms downstairs. Luigi cleaned the living room, the pantry, and the and the one bedroom downstairs.

"Good job"! Said Mario. We're already done with the whole downstairs.

"Well that went faster then expected". Said Luigi.

Ding dong!! "Oh no"! Said Mario. That was the doorbell!

"Could it be who I think it is"!? Said Luigi.

It was Peach. "Noooooo"!!! Mario and Luigi both said.

"What's wrong"? Asked Peach mysteriously.

"It's time for us to come clean". Thought Mario.

"Alright Peach Luigi and I didn't finish the cleaning, but on the plus side we got the downstairs finished"! Said Mario awkwardly.

"WHAT!!" Said Peach.

"We're sorry"! Mario and Luigi both said.

"I asked you to do one thing while I was gone and you couldn't even do it"!? Said Peach angrily.

I guess it's ok though at least you where doing what I asked you to do". Said Peach still annoyed.

Let's see how you did. Peach opens up the downstairs closet. Suddenly tons of junk fell, and toppled her to the ground. Mario and Luigi quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door. "That was a close one". Said Mario. "Ya". Said Luigi.

"MARIO LUIGI"!! Shouted Peach.

"Oh no we're toast"! Said Mario.

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