Mario and Luigi's new house

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"I'm fed up with you two"! Yelled Peach. I want you two to move out or else. "Or else what"? Said Mario. Your going to spank us. Oh no.

"No you will be hung and I mean it". Said Peach.

"Oh no"! Said Mario. Let's a go Luigi! So Mario and Luigi got thrown out of the castle. "How about that house"? Luigi pointed out. "Ok". Said Mario. So they went to look at it. "Wow what a nice house"! Mario exclaimed. "How much"? Asked Mario. "1000 coins". Said realtor toad. "Oh that's to much". Luigi said sadly. "We'll take it"! Said Mario. "What"!? Luigi said. "Ya its perfect". Said Mario.

Mario and Luigi went back to the castle to get their belongings and then they moved in. It was night by the time they got their stuff set up in the house. So they went to bed. They woke up the next morning and it was raining outside. It was a thunderstorm. Then a tree almost fell on their house.

"Wow"! Mario said. That almost fell on our house.

"Ya". Luigi said.

"I'm hungry". Mario said.

"Me too" Luigi said.

So they ate spaghetti and meatballs.

"Yummy". Mario said.

"Let's go and visit Peach". Mario said.

"Ok". Luigi said.

So they set off and finally arrived. Ding dong! Went the doorbell.

"Oh hi". Peach said. Come on in. "Thanks"! Mario said.

So they went inside to the living room and sat on the couch and started watching TV. "Why are you here"? Peach asked. "Just came to visit". Mario said. "Oh ok". Said Peach. "Well better get going". Mario said. "Ya". Luigi said. "Bye". Peach said.

By the time Mario and Luigi got home it was night. So
they went inside ate some pizza. Then they went to bed.

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