Chapter 15- Leaving

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Meghan's POV

"Well, I guess we can think about it when we get home, right Sash?" My brother asked Sasha who looked like he was about to cry.

"Y-yeah. W-why don't you l-leave so I can sleep?" Sasha said with a yawn.

"Okay. Should we all go out to lunch?" David asked turning back to us and Jake.

"What about him? His moms in surgery."

"We tell the doctors that to tell her that he's safe with us and she can see him later. I dot want him just sitting here all alone." Joey suggested.

"Fine why don't we ask what he wants to do."

"Jake, would you like to come to lunch with us? I promise you'll be back before you're mom starts to worry." He agrees and we tell the doctors what to do if his mom asks. We left Sasha to sleep while we went to a bit of a fancy restaurant, but who cares right? It is a 'vacation' so what's the point in going to crappy restaurants?

The four of us sat at a booth and ordered our lunch. The place was pretty empty, more of a dinner restaurant I guess, but the food was good.

"So are you guys going home tomorrow with my sister?" Jake asks.

"Yeah. I'm not sure about them but I can't wait to go home."

"Well we were going to stay here as a vacation, but.." I start.

"But what? You don't want to stay anymore?" Joey looks over at me confused.

"I mean I want to stay, but I miss my bed and our friends and I want to help Sasha but I'm fine with staying if you want to." I saved myself. I honestly really want to go home. I know we won't get much sleep here, especially with having to resist Joey in that hotel bed. He just looked so sexy. But I'm not lying about wanting to help. Sasha is going to need A LOT of help, physically and emotionally. And I really doubt David can handle that by himself for a week, He can barely even get himself dressed without falling over.

"Wel why don't we go home then? I don't wanna do anything that can be bad for you. You need your sleep. And we have to go for an ultrasound soon don't we?" Joey said as he wrapped his arms around me. He was right. I completely forgot about going to get my ultrasound done.

"Alright. We go home tomorrow then." Joey agreed and we finished up our lunch and took a taxi back to the hospital.

"Is your mom out of surgery yet?" David asked Jake as we entered the ICU hallways.

"I don't know. Lemme go ask the doctor." Jake said.

I didn't expect what happened next. I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying, all I could hear is a 'WHAT?' followed by Jakes tears running down his face while the doctor held him close. We ran up behind Jake to find out what happened. Neither of them responded.

"I'm so sorry. We couldn't save her."

Is all the doctor could tell Jake.

This time Joey started speaking louder, demanding an answer. "What happened?!"

"Her heart rate unexpectedly sped up. It was so high that we couldn't get her to calm down, so she started breathing heavier during the surgery. And I'm guessing you can infer what happened after that. Do you have anywhere to stay Jacob?"

"N-no. My mother was the only family member around here. Unless..." He looked up at us standing around him. He must mean for Sasha to take care of him. I completely forgot about Sasha. She's going to have to take all of this in. The death of her mother, her brother staying with us, the fact that the twins are in bad condition and that one of them had to be removed from her. I don't know how she's gonna handle it.

"Meghan? Can he stay with us at our house with us? I know we don't have that much room, but maybe Princo can find somewhere else to live for a little until we get ourselves settled?"

"Or Meghan could move in with me? I mean I don't live far away so in case of an emergency, we're close. And then there's a room for you and Sasha, Princo and Jake would have his own room." Joey suggested.

"Are you sure Sawyer wouldn't mind? I mean it kind of short notice."

"Nah. He brings girls home every night so I doubt me bringing you home for a while won't hurt."

So it was settled. Jake will be staying with David and Sasha at mine and David's apartment while I spend my nights at my lovely boyfriends house.

• • •

The Next Morning

Joeys POV

The day finally came that we can go home. As much as I wanted to stay and shop in NYC, I wanted to go home. There was too many accidents that happened here. Sasha going to the hospital, Jake and Sasha's mom dying, worrying how Meghan would react to me going back on the Amazing Race. I can't wait to be home.

We got Sasha out of the hospital quickly so we could get our airplane tickets. She surprisingly wasn't in too much pain and was able to fly so that was pure luck for us. Since they were last minute tickets we were all split up except for me and David who ended up next to each other. I think Jake was close to Sasha but I never looked back at them. I slept the whole flight. We left about noon, so when we landed it was about time to eat.

The minute we got off the plane I hugged Meghan and we all walked out to Satsuki, who I left in the airport parking lot for the past three days.

"You guys hungry?" I asked as we worked out seating arrangements. I drive with Meghan in passenger and Sasha in the back between David and Jake.

"Starving." David said looking around at everyone else to get them to agree.

"Alright. Let's just stop somewhere quick. Taco Bell okay?" I say approaching the exit.

"Okay." That was the first thing Jake has said since we left the hospital.

We got our drive through tacos, except for Sasha because she can only eat soft foods due to the injuries in her stomach, and drove to Meghan's house.

We all went in so we could explain to Princo and so Meghan could get her stuff.

Nobody needed mine or Jakes help so we just chilled out on the couch and stared at the wall awkwardly waiting.

Meghan grabbed her laptop, blankets and a suitcase full of clothes. And we stood at the doorway and yelled goodbye to David and Sasha who were sitting in the kitchen explaining to Princo.

"Bye! see you tomorrow!" I heard David yell.

As we were turning to leave I felt arms wrap around me and Meghan.

"Thank you so much." Jake said while embracing both me and Meghan.

• • •

I promised! And I kept my promise to update today! Yay! Hope you enjoyed! Bai! -Lexi

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