Chapter Five: Free

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Chapter Five: Free

Camillé sat at the writing desk, wondering what had just happened. Had she really told him about Aletté? That was one of her well-guarded secrets, yet he had pulled it from her with a simple question. Erik's fingers began moving across the organ, filling the space with a melancholy music only he could play. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"Oublies ça (Forget it)," she said without thinking.

The music stopped. "Quoi (What)?"

The woman looked sideways at Erik and repeated herself.


She stood quickly and paced. "Because I haven't told anyone that story since I was eleven."

"And this demands that I forget it why?"

"Don't you get it?" she snapped, turning to face him, "I don't tell people anything."

He raised his shoulders and tilted his head to the side. "And this cannot be the one exception?"

"Non. It can't, because there are no exceptions. I don't trust anyone, I can't."

He got to his feet and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I understand not being able to trust anyone. But can you not trust another distrustful soul? Besides, it is too late to take back your honesty about Aletté."

Camillé stepped back and shook her head. "I can't trust anyone. Even the people you think are the most trustworthy can turn out the worst in the end."

A moment of silence passed between them. Slowly, Erik said, "You are such a confusing woman."

A soft chuckle left her lips. "Yes, I admit to that."


The sky above her was deep blue, preparing to fall to the peaceful respite of the nighttime. A few stars peeked out from the dark abyss, but none would truly come until all of the sun's light had left the sky. Camillé preferred to be under the stars, to see their shining light. It reminded her so much of home. She had spent many nights laying with her sister on the grass in the courtyard watching the sky. It had been so much more beautiful at their home in le sud de France (the south of France), though. There had been less lights to drain from the sky's enchantment.

A presence sat down beside her and she looked at him. He had always seemed to love the night as much as she did, presumably for a different reason that she associated with his need to hide from people. It was helpful in hiding, she had to admit, but she had never loved it for that. Erik turned his head to look at her, his mask and eyes shining in the moonlight. Though she found it strange, she liked the way his eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and almost envied him for his ability to see in the near pitch black. She smiled at him and looked back at the sky.

"You seem quite at peace here," her companion observed in his musical voice.

Deeply, she sighed before responding, "Yes, I suppose I am. I've always loved the stars."

They fell into a comfortable silence as they both gazed at the sky above them. Camillé began casually mentioning different constellations and stars, naming each one she recognized. Erik listened silently, looking at the stars she pointed to. He asked her why she knew so many of them and she regaled him with tales about laying beneath them as a young girl. Then she realized what she had done.

"Mon Dieu (My God)... how do you do that?" she asked him, "I've never met another person who could do that."

He blinked, confused, and gave her a sideways glance. "Whatever do you mean?"

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