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  • Dedicated to all my fans on FanFiction


La Chatte Noire leaned back, her feet up on the table and her knife between her fingers, twirling back and forth. The frightened little men beside her all cowered in her presence.

"Alright," she drawled, obviously bored, "Which one of you disobeyed me?"

All of the other men pointed to the guilty one, who tried to run from her. She simply smirked and got up, giving chase very swiftly. Then she threw her knife and he was down before he even got out the door. The fool, thinking he could get away from La Chatte Noire. Really, could he be any more stupid? She walked back to her seat and propped herself up again.

"So… who wants to prove they can actually do their job? I think a reward might be in order." Le Chatte smirked as the men's hands all raised instantly. "Good boys."


La Chatte Noire closed her door behind her and leaned against it for a moment. She walked over to her chest and opened it. Camillé pulled out Erik's mask, which she had placed on top before she took the box from the lair and brought it here. She ran her fingers along the soft edge, missing him. It had been six months since she and Daniel had been to the lair. Tonight was the anniversary of the day she made the biggest mistake of her life. Today was the day she left.

It seemed foolish to one part of her to constantly think about him. After all, before she'd gone to the lair, they'd barely thought about him at all. Now that he was truly gone, she seemed fixated on him. But she loved him, she really did.

In those six months, she had become the leader of the biggest crime center in Paris. She was the leader of the one group that always evaded the gens d'armes, the ones that always knew what they were doing, and it was all because of her. La Chatte Noire was now a well-known name in all of Paris, practically all of France knew of her. But did that mean that she was happy? Well… no.

How could she be happy anymore? There was nothing left to be happy about. She may be pleased when one of her pupils does a job excellently, but that wasn't quite happiness. No… she hadn't been happy for a while.


Camillé de Sauveterre entered the house and knocked loudly on the open door. A man came running down the stairs and froze in the middle of them. She looked up and cast back the hood of her black cloak.

La Chatte Noire smiled at the man, pulling a glinting knife from her bodice.


She leaned back in the same position as she usually took. The snow outside should not have meddled with her companion's arrival time that much. La Chatte did not like waiting. The man came stumbling in like a drunkard, hardly worth her time, but the look on his face told a different story. He was white as the snow on his shoulders and his eyes were wide with fear. In his hands he clutched something, which he shoved out towards her.

"I-It's for you, Madame," he said, and she took it from him.

She frowned. "From whom?"

"I don't… don't know. He… He didn't give me his name."

Her frown deepened as she sniffed the letter for any sort of poison. Instead of smelling dangerous, it smelled familiar… comforting. How odd. She opened the letter and read it through, becoming more confused with every word.

'My, how you have changed. I admit to some fault, as I have been deceiving you for so long.

Meet me on the roof.'

But the message was not what made her eyes widen to a frightening degree. She shot up and pushed the man against the wall with her hand around his neck.

"Who gave this to you?" she spit, intent on answers.

"I-I don't know, Madame, he just came out of nowhere – looked like he walked out of the wall! And then he gave me this and told me to hand it to you!"

La Chatte let the man go. Camillé backed away and looked down at the letter, a specific part of it.


'My, how you have changed. I admit to some fault, as I have been deceiving you for so long.

Meet me on the roof.



The End.

In My Darkness: La Chatte NoireWhere stories live. Discover now