Chapter 2

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Miranda P.O.V. - 7:00 am

  Its time for me to make me way out the door & into the real world. The world second best from my pageants - school. A place were I'm not forced into take pills or weighing myself. Where I can talk to people & not have to think about what every word could change about my future. A place were I can be me, myself, & I.

I walk up the street to Vanessa's house & knock softly of her door. She swings it open with the biggest grin on her face. "Heey, girl! Are your ready for the first day of junior year? I sure as well am. Been waiting all summer for this." Vanessa was to hyped for her own good, but she was getting my mind off home so I was happy.

  Vanessa is my closest friend. I've known her since I was 2 years old. Her mother & mine were best friends when they were our age. Vanessa used to do pageants with me, up until 9th grade two years ago. She told her mother she wanted to be normal teenager & just have fun. Told her mother she was sick of pageants & her mother understood. I try that line with mother & all she did was tell me I'm confused & gave me 3 more protein pills.

  I walk into Vanessa's parents humongous house, go into the living room & sits on her comfortable couch. "I just got to get my make-up page & I'll be ready." Vanessa runs upstairs to her room. I look around the room & find the case full of all of Vanessa trophies, metals & certificates from pageants & cheerleading. She so very talented it's amazing to see she doesn't want to do any of it anymore. Vanessa runs back down the stares with two bottles of water & her make up bag. "You ready?" she says walking to the door, then out of it. I follow right behind her, locking up cause she always seems to forget..

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