Chapter 5

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Miranda P.O.V. - 9:51 am

  Sitting in honors English bores me, waiting for something crazy to pop off. As I observe my classroom all I see, is sleeping teenagers, a list of interesting facts about Shakespeare & Mrs. McKnight talking about what she expects from us this year. "Speaking of late work, it will not be accepted after.." Breaking up her boring speech with a raised hand. "Yes, Miranda. What do you need?" "Can I go to the bathroom?"  She puts her head down so she is now looking over her glasses. "I don't know. Can you?" I always hated when she played around like this. Ugh, just say yes & get it over with. "May I go to the bathroom, Mrs. McKnight?" "Of course you may. But, hurry back so you can hear my Edgar Allan Poe speech." I'll make sure to miss that. I grab my bag & walk out the door. Ugh, freedom finally.

  Since I'm not planning to go back to class. I decide to take the long was to the bathroom. Stunting down the hallway as if I'm on the pageant runway. Cameras flashing, bright florescent light shining in my face. Elegant, yet forceful steps being taken. Not worrying about anything next to me or behind me. My focus is just on me. The judges nod their head while writing on their pad, the announcer shouts "Elegance at its bes.."


  I'm taken down with a forceful hit. Confused to where I really am, as I looking around seeing tall blue lockers. I could have sworn I was on the runway. "Damn, ma. Let me apologize for that, I'm kinda in a rush. Didn't mean to knock you over." As I look up to see what animal of a person did this, I see a remarkable beauty looking over me -smiling. The features of his smile warmed me up inside & made me forget everything. "Umh hmm, yeah it's fine. It's totally okay, I'm cool, you cool, we cool." Why the hell was I talking like a fucking dork. I couldn't stop my mouth from going on & on. It just roamed free. The cutie smirked at me with a slight laugh. Showing me all of his teeth, making everything bright in my eyes. I'm so embarrassed.

  "Get off the ground ma." He extends his hand down, to help me get up. Standing up straight now, I brush myself off & look down at the floor from embarrassment. As if reading my mind, he puts his soft muscular hand on my chin & lefts up my head. Making me stare him in his eye. "No reason to be embarrassed, ma. Keep your head up, your way to beautiful to give all your attention to the ground. The world gets jealous." Blushing in the palm of his hand, smiling my ass off. Damn, he had a way with words. *DING* The bell rings, interrupting our intense moment. "Well, I gotta go ma.Hopefully I can see you around." With a smile & 180° turn, my prince was out of my sight.. but I didn't even get his name..

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