Chapter 3

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Miranda P.O.V. - 8:12 am

  We walk the four blocks to our school campus. Each step we take is full of excitement as we talk about our future in junior year. "Girl, I'm ready to see these cuties this year. I got all the time in the world & I want to spend it all booed up with a fly boy." Vanessa grinds her body to the ground, popping her butt just a little before picking it back up. I swear this girl is crazy. "Man, I don't have even a smidge of time to be booed up with no boy. Between these pageants & now school work. I'm gonna be booked every day of the week."

  Vanessa looks at me in a disgust look, I know exactly where this conversation is going to go. "Aren't you sick of the pageant life? Weighing yourself, taking protein pill, always trying to please people you don't even know & won't even see again?" Vanessa had a point, but there was one thing that she was messing. "But, what about after all the hard work? The achievement & your goal being reached. I'm talking about winning, you don't miss that at all?"

  Vanessa gave me a big sigh, to signal me that she is very annoyed. The conversation goes into a long moment of silence as we walk into the parking lot of the campus. Vanessa begins to walk in front of me & makes a halt, stopping me in my tracks. "Miranda, I know you. & I know you & I know the only reason why you do these pageants is to please your mother. But, what do you want to do? This is your life. She continues to run it & you let her." Vanessa places her coco butter - brown skinned hand on my shoulder. "You need to put your foot down & tell your mother what you want & not what she wants for you. Remember this is your life.. when are you going to enjoy it?" By, the end of that sentence the bell has rung. Informing us that we have we have 5 minutes to get into the building before school begins.

  But, Vanessa acted as if she didn't hear it at all. She still had her hand on my shoulder & sadness in the eyes she stared at me with. She was waiting for me to say what I always say. "Vanessa, I know I need to tell her. But, I just don't know what to say. This is my mother's dream & she wants me to live it out for her. & it's the least I can do for all she's done for me." Vanessa removes her hand & avoids eye contact as she walks away from me into the building & out of sight..

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