Chapter 4

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Vanessa P.O.V. - 8:26 am

  Ugh, Miranda pisses me off with this pageant bullshit. She knows that her mother is just controlling her, because she never had a life of her own. So, she takes away Miranda's. Why am I stressing, that ain't my life.. As I walk down the hallway, approaching my locker. I see this fine fly boy..

  The type of guy that makes you fantasize at first sight. The type of guy that steals your heart every time he took a breath. Forgetting that my eyes were glued to his whole body. We finally made eye contact, seeing his light brown almost hazel eyes had me almost melting, caramel complexion with a touch of vanilla extract. Watching him as he licks his lips and moisten his thick juicy lips. He gives me a smile that shows me his whole top row of his teeth. I'm nearly a liquid when the bell rings & interrupts our mental sex session.

  Shaking off this feeling that just had me hot & heavy (Ewe, I sound like my mom) I walk to my first period class, which is Honors Algebra 2. I walk in to see my teacher, Mr. Holbrook hasn't lost any weight over this long summer. "Good morning, Mr. Holbrook." Passing his desk, I walk to my regular seat since freshman year. Two columns towards the window, Second row, third seat. I place my bag on top of my desk. I watch the door to see who I will have to endure for the rest of this long year. Three random chicks with thick blonde curls & stick form legs walk in. Hmm, never saw them here before. Two wanna be down females walk in with their knock off Gucci & Coach bags. & then it happens..

  My sexy light brown almost hazel eyes - caramel complexion with a touch of vanilla extract walks in like a angel. I swear I hear the choir singing in harmony. We meet eyes once again & I can't help but smile as hard as I possibly could. He walks in, every steps he takes is full of confidence, turning me on. He became closer & closer, now I know where he is planning to go. To the seat right next to me, the thought sends chills down my back. He takes his seat & takes off his Nike™ checked bookbag. Turns towards me & gives me that sexy smile once again. Reaches out his hand & speaks with his Ooo, so sexual voice & says "Hello, my name is Antwàn Shields. What's yours beautiful?"

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