Chapter Fifteen: Riley Matthews

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I'm nearly nine months pregnant. Wow, time flies. Farkle and I are on our way to the doctors to find out the gender of our baby. We took a while to find out because we weren't sure if we wanted to know, sometimes doctors can be wrong.

We walk into the hospital on the third floor and we wait in the waiting room for my doctor.

"Riley Matthews?" Doctor Armstrong calls.

"Hi Doctor." I say, smiling.

"Is this the father?" She asks, guiding us all to a room.

"Yes, this is Farkle Minkus." I say.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." Farkle says, shaking her hand.

We get to the room and Doctor Armstrong has lay down on the bed. She lifts up my shirt and squirts some jelly on it.

"Okay, so we're finding out the gender today?" She asks.

Farkle and I nod.

"Alright, looks like you're both having a girl. Congratulations." She smiles.

Happy tears run down my face and Farkle smiles.

"Wow." He says.

"I know. I'm so happy."


I get back to my apartment and I'm laying down in my bed and deciding to not go to school today. Bzzzzzzzzzz. I grab my phone and look at the number, it's unrecognized.

"Hello, this is Riley speaking." I say, waiting for a response.

"Okay, perfect. I just needed to know if I got the right number so I can track you down." A husky, familiar voice says. What?!

"What are you talking about? Who the hell is this?" I ask coldly.

"I'm not saying, but you better watch out for what is coming for you." It says. I hang up my phone.

I feel millions of tears running down my eyes. Maya climbs through the bay window. She comes to me and wraps her arms around me.

"Whatever happens, everything is gonna be alright." She tells me.

"No! It's not gonna be alright! Someone with a familiar voice just called me and freaked me out!" I say. Maya lets go of my hug.

"Well, maybe it's just voices you're hearing. Many pregnant girls get that." She says. I nod. Sure. "Are you coming to school today?"

"Yeah." I say. I'll go. She links arms with me and we head out the bay window.

"I'm having a girl." I say to Maya.

"Holy shit! Are you serious?" She exclaims. I nod. She squeals and hugs me.

I'm in class, and I realize I can't get that call out of my head. Lucas taps me.

"Riley? You alright? You're shivering." He says. He gets up and wraps his jacket around me.




I have to go." I say, feeling dizzy. I run to the bathroom, leaving Lucas' jacket in the classroom. I go to the toilet and vomit.

"It's not good to throw up when you're seven months pregnant, you know. It means there is something wrong." I get up and face towards the wall.

There he is! That idiot phone caller! I leave my phone on the floor and turn around. Oh no, what do I do?! The guy is wearing everything black, even on his face. He tapes my mouth. I fight back, but someone else is restraining me. I feel a punch and everything turns black.

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