Chapter Thirty-Two: Riley Friar

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I can't believe Emilia is 10 months old! She's already sitting on her own, crawling and she said her first word! She has light brown hair and shiny brown eyes. Lucas says she looks like me. I remember when she said her first word...

2 days ago:

"Goodmorning, beautiful." Lucas says to me, holding Emilia. I smile and kiss him. I'm in the kithen, making Emilia's baby food.

"Goodmorning." I say. I kiss Emilia's cheek. I grab her from Lucas' arms and place her in her high chair. Lucas grabs a bowl of cereal. We all sit at the table.

"Hey, let me feed her. You eat." Lucas says. I realize that that bowl of cereal is for me. I nod and switch seats with him.

"What did mama make for you this time, Emmy?" He asks. He calls Emilia "Emmy" for short.

"Peaches and apples." I say, answering for her. Emilia gurgles and playfully smacks her tray. She leans forward as Lucas gives her a bite.

"Dadda." She says. I drop my spoon and gasp. Lucas sits there in shock. I smile real big.

"Lucas! She said her first word!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. She's definitely a daddy's girl." He says. I smile.

Present day:

Lucas sits by my bedside, holding Emilia like usual. I smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, feeling my forehead. That's right! I had the flu these past couple of days! I smile, thinking about my flashback.

"Better." I say. He nods.

"You're not warm anymore, so now you can touch Emmy." He says, letting go of my forehead. Emilia squeals.

I grab her from his arms and kiss her head. Lucas was being overprotective of Emilia when I wasn't feeling well these past couple of days. He wanted to make sure that she didn't get sick and that I was well taken care of. He worries too much. The phone rings and Lucas picks it up.

"Hello?" He answers. "Oh, hey Maya and Josh! What's up? Oh my gosh! Are you serious? Okay, Riley's right here. Gonna put you on speaker." He puts the phone on the bed and has Emilia sit on his lap. He's smiling real big. Why?

"Hey, Peaches and Josh!" I exclaim, happy to hear her voice.
"Hey, Riles! You feeling better today?" Maya asks.

"Never better." I reply.

"Great. Cause Maya and I have something to tell you." Josh says. They sound really happy. I wonder what it's all about!

"We're pregnant!" They both exclaim at the same time. I almost fall out of the bed, but Lucas grabs my wrist, pulling me back on.

"Oh my God!" I squeal. "I am so happy for you guys!"

"Thanks! We have a good feeling, too." Maya says.

"Happy birthday, Josh!" Lucas says.

"Thanks, man. This is the best birthday yet." Josh says.

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