Chapter Fourty-Nine: Josh Matthews

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My wife and I are waiting in the waiting room for her results. Maya looks so nervous, tears are running down her beautiful face as she's squeezing my hand. Hunter is sitting on her lap, chewing on his teething toy.

"Maya Matthews?" A doctor called. Maya instantly gets up, looks at me and I grab Hunter from her.

"Should I stay here?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"No, I want you to come."

I nod and we follow the nurse into a room. We sit on chairs and the nurse sits on a chair across from us.

Hunter starts talking baby talk, and I just smile at him. Maya doesn't bother to look at him, she's staring at the nurse.

"Your face says it all." Maya says to the doctor. She starts crying even harder.

"Mrs. Matthews, yes you are pregnant. But I have some good news for you."

"What?" I ask.

"Well," the doctor says. "Maya, your last pregnancy experienced a lot of trauma and nearly killed you and the baby. However, somehow God or nature or something, nothing seems to be wrong with your tests."

"Wha-what?" Maya asks, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes, this pregnancy is going to be just as normal as it should be."

"Oh my god." Maya squeals. She's smiling really big.

"We literally just had a baby like eight months ago." I say. Maya looks at me, confused. "But I'm happy." We kiss and Hunter coos. I laugh.

The doctor comes in, shaking hands with both of us. The same doctor that delivered Hunter.

"I don't believe I said my name last time we met, I'm Doctor Masie."

"Hi." I say. I'm still a little shook that Maya is pregnant again and that there is nothing wrong.

"Maya, can you please get on the bed here so we can do an ultrasound?" Doctor Masie asks.

Maya gets on the bed, and lifts up her shirt.

"I know you've been through this before so you know the jelly is going to be cold." The doctor says.

"Alright so here is your uterus," she says, pointing the screen. I look at the screen and squint. "It's a little hard to find the fetus right now, but it is in that tiny hole. That little tiny dot."

"Wow." Maya says.

I look at it, amazed. Maya smiles and starts crying.

"You okay?" I ask, squeezing her hand.

"Yeah, we just are about to have a total of two miracles." She says, wiping her tears. I kiss her.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

Hunters gurgles and Maya and I laugh.


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