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"Yo, Y/N! Where you at, BabyGirl?"
I smile at the sound of Dashie's voice on the other end of the call.

"I'm home," I reply, biting back a grin.

"Oh, yeah? Come through, then. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

With that, Dashie ends the call.

Dashie and I have been friends for about a year. We met at Whole Foods, in the vegetable section, and have talked almost every day since.

I won't lie and try to deny the fact that I may have a, um... teeny-tiny crush on him. But, that's only natural right? Besides, I don't even think he looks at me romantically. So the whole thing will be a bust anyway.

I can feel my face heat up just thinking about it. I shake the feelings away and touch-up my makeup.

I'm applying a final coat of lipstick when Dashie knocks at my front door. I give myself a once-over in the mirror before I answer.

"Hey, BabyGirl; wha's good?" Dashie pulls me in for a hug, and I kiss his cheek.

"You ready?" he asks, flashing me a smile.

I make a noise of affirmation; he takes my hand and he leads the way to his car.

Dashie and I meet up pretty frequently. He's so sweet; he's always asking if I'm alright. That's one of the things I like about him.

Once we get to his house, he asks me if I've eaten. I bite my lip. He shakes his head, smiling, and immediately goes over to his pantry and begins shuffling through the contents.

"Y-you don't have to cook for me, Dash," I begin to protest. "I'll eat later, or—"

"Y/N," Dashie cuts me off, turning to face me. "You haven't eaten. I don't mind cooking for you, so let me."

I blush, running a few fingers through my hair.

Twenty minutes later, Dashie sets down two plates of chicken breasts with a side of asparagus spears and roasted potatoes. I say a quick prayer over my food before giving Dashie a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"No big deal," he grins, cutting into his chicken. "I don't mind."

Dashie and I sit on the couch in the living room. We're watching some horrible scary movie. The main character is about to die. She's trapped against a wall. The killer raises his pick-axe high above his head. He brings it down as the main character screams for mercy.
Fifteen minutes later, the main character returns as a zombie, and ends up eating the killer's brain while he's in a padded cell at some insane asylum.

As the credits roll, Dashie laughs. "Damn, that movie was bad!" He hands me the remote. "Your turn to pick."

Dashie is breathing softly in my ear. He has an arm draped loosely across my body. I close my eyes and sigh, putting a hand on his forearm.
"I love you," I breathe, my voice barely audible to even me. As if in response to my whispered words, Dashie's arm tightens around me.



I wake with a start. Dashie is gone, instead a blanket is around me.
"Dashie?" I sit up.
I hear more noise, so I pull the blanket around my shoulders and go to investigate.

I stop outside a door down the hall, and strain to listen. For a moment, all yelling ceases. I can hear Dashie talking, although his voice is muffled.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Dashie's eyes widen in surprise at seeing me standing there.
"Hey, did I wake you up?" he asks, stepping around me and leading the way back into the living room.

"No," I reply. "Crap..." I look over at the oven in the kitchen, noting that it was 10:30. "I have to go," I rub an eye with a closed fist and looking around for my shoes.

"I'll take you home," Dashie replies.

We reach my apartment. I remember my whispered confession from earlier and dig my nails into my palms. My face heats up.

"It was good seeing you today," Dashie says, turning on the interior lights in the car. He always says that. But, every time he says it, it's obvious that he really means it.

He looks at me and smiles.
I unbuckle my seat belt, and Dashie gets out to walk me to my front door.

We stand on the porch in silence for a minute; it's a little awkward; for a second I wonder if he heard my confession.

"Well," he smiles down at me, putting his hands into his pockets. "I'll see you later."

I wrap my arms around him and he squeezes me.

"Goodnight, BabyGirl," he murmurs as I step inside.

I sigh as I lock the door behind me and head to my bedroom.
I change into my pajamas and snuggle under my duvet.

Before I fall asleep, I pray for Dashie.

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