"I was going Crazy!"

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The next morning, I shoot Dashie a text. Good morning, friend. :) Wanna meet up for breakfast?

After a few minutes, he replies. Can't. I'm in the middle of editing. I'll be free after lunchtime, though. Where you wanna eat?

Right. I shake my head at my mistake. You'd think by now I'd know his schedule...

I type a reply, and root through my pantry for pancake mix. Oops! Sorry; I promise I'll get better at remembering your schedule. There's this new Hibachi place on El Caminito, wanna go?

My phone ping ping-ed with his reply. You ain't gotta worry 'bout my schedule, BabyGirl, I'll always have time for ya. Sounds good, though! I'll meet you there.

I have a job at a small company that publishes mobile apps. I'm the girl behind their social media accounts. I create posts and answer people's questions. It's a fun job, and I enjoy it.

Lunchtime rolls around quickly. Not that time ever passes slowly in my workplace. My coworkers are nice, and we're always doing something new.

I slip my blue jean jacket over my sundress, and grab my keys.

"Where're you headed off to, Y/N?" Shanna, my cubicle-neighbor and super-close friend asks.

"I'm meeting a friend for lunch," I reply.

"Uh-huh. A friend. That's why you look as pretty as a peach, and smell like one, too?" she grins, her warm brown eyes alight with mischief.

My cheeks flush. "I gotta go," I murmur, grabbing my purse and heading for the door.

"You better show me a picture after lunch!" she calls as the door shuts behind me.

I arrive late to the restaurant. Damn LA traffic!! Dashie is sitting near a group of people who look like college students. He smiles when he sees me.

I slide into the seat next to him, and he takes my hand. "Sorry I'm late," I murmur.

"'S'all good," Dashie replies, squeezing my hand.

"Oh, another one!" the Hibachi chef grins at me. "Did you get all dolled-up just for me?" He looks to be about my age. He has a nice smile. He has beautiful eyes. He's cute. I smile, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You from around here?" the chef asks as he fries some rice.

"We're from..." One of the girls from the group next to us speaks up, but trails off when she realizes our chef is looking at me.

I glance at him, then nod.

The chef serves our food, looking into my eyes as he sets my plate down. He grins. "Made it special for you."

After lunch, Dashie walks me to my car. "You know," he begins, drumming his knuckles lightly on my car door. "I think that Hibachi dude liked you."

My heart skips a beat. "What? No!"

"Yeah; he wouldn't stop looking at you."

We stand in an awkward silence for a moment before I have to go back to work.

As soon as I step back into the office, Shanna is on me. "So? How was lunch?" she asks.

I smile as I wake up my laptop. "Good."

"Show me a picture, girl. Don't think I forgot." Shanna grins, sliding her rolling chair into my cubicle.

I sigh, unlocking my phone, and pulling up a recent picture that Dashie sent me.
He was grinning at the camera, shooting a wink.

Shanna studies the picture for a minute, before looking at me. "Is he nice to you?"

"Yeah, he's really sweet."

"He's not that bad to look at; seems like a goof-ball, though." she smirks.

I tell Shanna about what happened at lunch. She shoots me a sly grin. "Wow~ Two guys? A chef, and... What does that other guy do?"

"Oh, he's a YouTuber," I reply.

"A YouTuber? Seriously?" Shanna laughs, shaking her head. "He doesn't have a real job?"

"It is a real job," I say, defensively. "They put in just as many hours as we do, if not more." Shanna laughs and scoots away from me.


I step out of the shower and my phone lights up with a notification.

Daasshhh <3: Yo, BabyGirl!

Fifteen minutes after I had received that text, another text came through.

Daasshhh <3: You ain't with that Hibachi-dude, are you...?

Five minutes later:

Daasshhh <3: Did you make it home?

Daasshhh <3: BabyGirl, I swear, if you don't reply, I'll have to go out looking for you!

I giggle, and quickly dial his number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey," I laugh.

"BabyGirl." I can hear the relief in his voice. "You scared me. ... I thought you were with that Hibachi-dude..."

"Sorry, Dash; I was in the shower."

He chuckles. "Don't do that to me; I was going crazy. I was getting ready to go fight that dude!"

"Why?" I smile. "Jealous?"

Dashie is silent for a moment, and my heart skips a beat.

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