1.- Haunted by memories of the past

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Hi guys!

This is already my second story on WP. If you haven't read my first story yet, you can find it on my profile; Alpha Female.

Hope you guys enjoy it! 


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Aiden’s POV

Black spots danced across my vision. That was how angry I was.

The Wolf in me urged me to shift, and let him take control of the situation. The only thing that stopped me from shifting into my oversized gray Wolf was the fact that I was inside, in my father’s office with him standing two feet away from me.

With how angry I was I couldn’t risk shifting in case my Wolf took over and went after my father for even suggesting what he just did. No matter how angry I was or how ridiculous and offensive his suggestion was, he was still my father and the Alpha of this pack.

“We’ve waited too long, my son. You should’ve taken over the pack a long time ago, yet nobody pressured you to do so. We kept postponing it so you could have a chance to grief and get your act together. But we can’t do that any longer, this pack needs a new leader,” my father tried to reason with me. “And a new Luna.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” I snapped when he mentioned a ‘new Luna’. “I get that I need to take my position as Alpha and I will, but this pack will never have a Luna as long as I’m ruling over it.”

I had stepped dangerously close to my father, but he wasn’t fazed by my threatening appearance since he was still the Alpha of Dark Raven pack. Anyone else would have his knees buckling in fear, yet my father stood tall with an emotionless expression on his face.

“Aiden,” he started to say, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“She’s dead, dad. The future Luna of this pack is dead and she’s not coming back!” I told him raising my voice. It hurt too much to say those words out loud, but he provoked me to say them. He needed to realize that the only person that was made for me was dead and irreplaceable. And maybe even I needed to realize that Emma was truly dead and not coming back.

“You can’t lead this pack without a Luna, Aiden. You know that,” my father pointed out. He sighed. As he ran his hand through his brown hair, he turned away from me.

I gritted my teeth and stayed quiet, not really sure if I was able to speak without blowing up.

“You think I enjoy doing this to you?” he said as his intense brown eyes found me again. “You think I like forcing you into doing this?”

I folded my hands into fists and tried to focus on anything but him. He had found yet another way to turn this around so it was about him. That was what he always did- everything revolved around him.

My father deliberately came in my line of vision and said, “You are making me do this.”

When the words left his mouth it felt like he had knocked the breath out of me.

“How on earth am making you replace my dead mate?” I roared in anger as I closed the distance between us and got right in his face. “Tell me dad. How is it my fault that you decided to help Blue Moon pack and select my mate as a fighter in a battle that wasn’t even ours to begin with.”

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