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Vanessa glanced at the clock again. He was running late. She sighed. She had only agreed to help him because he sounded desperate. She normally didn't deal with foster kid cases. But Tom was an old law school friend, and she couldn't say no to this.

She was about to call him when there was finally a knock on her door. They were supposed to meet at her office, but Sebastian was sick today, so she stayed home with him. Lin was busy, as always, and was already at the theater. It was a two show day, after all.  The matinee should be over soon.

"Vanessa, I'm so sorry that I'm late. I got a little caught up in a small emergency just before I left. I had to take care of it," Tom said as soon as Vanessa opened the door.

"It's completely fine. It gave me time to put Sebastian down for a nap," Vanessa said, smiling slightly. Sebastian could be difficult at times, but she loved when she had finally gotten him to go to sleep. It was a rare occurrence. "I hope that you were able to deal with your problem."

"Partially," Tom said hesitantly.

"Partially?" Vanessa repeated.

"I had to pick her up," he said, glancing down the hall. Vanessa couldn't see what he was looking at. "I didn't have time to drop her off, though. I'm so sorry, Vanessa. I can't just let her stay out in the hall, though."

"Of course she doesn't have to stay out in the hall. Wait who are we talking about?"

"Evelina, why don't you come over here." Vanessa could hear a faint sigh. Tom's face hardened slightly. "This is your own fault, Evelina. You got yourself into this situation. Now come on. This shouldn't take long."

"I don't see why I couldn't have just gone back home by myself," a voice muttered. Vanessa still couldn't see who it belonged to, but it was definitely a teenage girl.

"You really think I'm going to let you loose in New York City after that stunt you just pulled?"

"I didn't pull a stunt." The girl finally reached the door and Vanessa had a chance to look her over. She was average height. Athletically built. Long brown hair that fell in a mess of waves. Hazel eyes. Her skin was tanned, Vanessa assumed from the sun. School had only started a few weeks ago. She also had the beginnings of a black eye. "They started it."

"They knocked your books down." The girl nodded. "So you pushed them." She nodded again. "So they punched you." She nodded a third time. "And what did you learn from this?"

"Don't pick fights with the senior linebackers," she mumbled.

Vanessa hid a smile and saw Tom doing the same thing. The thought of this girl, who couldn't be older than 16, picking a fight with a senior was a funny picture.

Tom turned to look at Vanessa. "This is Evelina. I had to pick her up from school. Favor for a friend. She will sit quietly while you help me with something from another case. It shouldn't take long." Vanessa nodded, allowing Tom and the girl inside. "Evelina, what do you say to Vanessa?"

Evelina shot Tom a look at seemed to say what do you think I am? Three? before turning to look at Vanessa. "Thank you for letting me crash your meeting. I won't touch anything."

Vanessa smiled sweetly at the girl. "That's fine. Make yourself at home. Do you want some ice for your eye?"

Evelina tried to tell Vanessa that she was fine, but Vanessa wouldn't listen. Five minutes later, Vanessa and Tom were in the office. They'd left Evelina sitting in the living room with ice on her face. They'd almost solved Tom's problem when Vanessa realized something. It wasn't quiet anymore. She could hear the piano. It was very faint.

She listened to it for a moment. Evelina would play a few notes, mess up, and start again. It didn't sound like she had played in a while. Vanessa recognized the song, but couldn't place it. She had just realized that it was one of the songs Lin was working on for Moana when she heard the front door open and a voice ask, "Who the hell are you?"


Hello! Thanks for reading my story (if anyone ever actually does). Feel free to leave comments/suggestions. Fair warning: I have no idea how often I'll be able to update. I am a full time student and that takes up a lot of time. In fact, I should be studying for a test right now. Oops.

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