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Evie's POV

The walk to the karaoke place seemed much faster than I'm sure it was.  I was too caught up in my thoughts to pay much attention to what was happening around me.  

Theo had found me.  

How had Theo found me?  That's what I should have asked him.  Not why he wanted to find me.  Who cares why he wanted to find me?  Not me.

At least, that's what I tried to tell myself.

It was strange to see him after so many years.  It had been nearly four years since we had separated.  After a year of waiting for my big brother to come back for me, I had tried my best to keep thoughts of him out of my mind.  But here he was again, and I had a feeling that I would be seeing him again, despite my hopes that I wouldn't.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the music as Daveed opened the door to the karaoke place.  I had been worried that there wouldn't be a lot of people there, and everyone there would immediately realize that I had arrived with Broadway stars, but I quickly realized that this was not the case.

It seemed like Hunter hadn't managed to rent out the whole bar, so there were lots of random, non-Hunter people in the crowd.  It was also plain to see that many of the Hunter parents (and some of the students) had taken advantage of the fact that this was a karaoke bar.  Add the loud music and the darker lighting and I was pretty confident that my secret wouldn't come out today.

I scanned the crowd for my friends before giving up and looking to see what was happening on the stage.  My jaw dropped when I realized that the two people singing a corny Broadway love song on stage were Anas and Vincent.

"Ohmygod, Evie!"  Suddenly Thea was by my side, grabbing my arm so tight that I was afraid it was going to fall off.  "Do you see this?"

"I do and I want to know how it happened!"

"So Vincent had convinced Laura to get up and perform with him, but you know Laura.  She wasn't getting real into it, so Anas jumped up on stage and took the mic from her and started singing her part in an awful falsetto, because he's Anas and what else would he do, but then his voice broke, so now he's singing normally, well as normally as he can, because you know Anas, so you know that he can't take anything seriously, and-"

"Okay you need to stop and take a breath," I interrupted her.  She rolled her eyes at me, but complied, taking an exaggerated deep breath.  "Better.  So where is Laura now?"

Thea grabbed by arm and started leading me across the room.  I didn't have time to look back at my group before there were too many people between us.  "She's over by the stage with Kirk.  I can't decide whether she's waiting to thank Anas or kill him, but we should get over there either way, because I want to be there either to witness they moment Laura and Anas aren't bickering or to witness Laura trying to murder Anas, though I'm not sure if I'd help her or stop her or-"

"Thea, how much coffee have you had?"

"In the last hour?  Only like three cups.  I did have some shots too though.  Anas gave them to me because Yara gave them to him because her friend gave them to her because her friend has fake, but Yara doesn't drink, but neither does Anas, but I do!"

"Oh my god, here," I laughed, shoving her over to Laura, who nearly dropped her water on Kirk, who was filming the performance going on.  "You deal with her."

"We've been dealing with her," Laura stated.  "Even before we got here, actually.  I can't tell if she's trying to break her record for most coffee consumed or most alcohol consumed, but either way we're trying to cut her off."

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