Part I: Alone

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It's another normal day. There is nothing unusual or particularly special about it. I am on my way home from school on a bright, sunny Thursday afternoon.

Cars whiz by and the fresh spring air fills my nose. It is a sweet and rejuvenating scent.

As I saunter down the street I see a shadow on the pavement before me - only for a moment. Looking up into the blazing sun, I try to find what it was that has passed over me. There's nothing but a clear, blue sky.

"A bird," I figure. "That's what it was."

I continue walking a few blocks before reaching my home. 317 Queensbush Road. Since I have lived there all 16 years of my life, I could never imagine leaving it. Never in a lifetime.

I throw my bags onto the floor as I walk inside and skip up the staircase into my bedroom.

Plopping down on my bed, I kick off my shoes and take out my cell phone. As usual, there are no calls or messages from anyone besides my parents.

I've always been a loner. Some might consider it "anti-social". I, however, consider it "shy". It's a personality type.

I am an only child, so I'm all alone in the house when my parents are gone on business trips, and they usually are. It is going to be another night by myself, I know.

The afternoon passes quickly and I continue sitting on my bed, staring at the wall. Often I seem to do this; drifting off and thinking of the things that would make my life better.

Suddenly, the window bursts open. Slowly I climb off of my bed and walk over to it. It is dark out now and the moon is shining illustriously. While it may be nighttime, there is no wind. There is nothing that could force any window to open.

Then the small bedside lamp flickers. As my heart races and pounds against my chest, I close the window and back away from it.

"Lyv, it's nothing. It's just your imagination. Nothing bad is going to happen."

But I speak too soon. In the next second, the lamp goes out completely. I am alone in the darkness. Panicking, I run towards the door, but trip over a lone pair of boots I had forgotten to put away. The door swings shut by itself and I cry out in disdain.

Then I see it. The face of evil rests on the air directly in front of me. It seems like a shadow or a ghost; dark and transparent. But its fiery eyes and human-like figure melt every ounce of courage within me.

I clench my fists and teeth, retreating as it moves closer. Any second I expect to be attacked and mauled by this creature, but am surprised when it reaches its "hand" out to me. Instinct tells me to run. Run and hide. But something else urges me to go; take the hand. So I do.

Immediately I am lifted into the air by the shadow and it leads me out through the window and into the sky. Laughter wells up inside me, but the fear of impending death muffles it easily. It is terrifying but amazing at the same time. We soar above my house, over the town, the city, and finally out over the ocean.

Hours seem to pass and I grow continuously drained of energy. For a second I close my eyes, but they don't open for a while after that. Evidently I am more tired than I know.

I'm unaware of how long I sleep, but when I wake up we are still flying over water. It seems endless. Obviously the "adventure" is not quite as exciting as I imagined.

"Can you bring me back?" I ask it, sick of the endless expanse of ocean below. It gives no sign that it understands me.

Slightly frustrated, I repeat myself. "I said, can you bring me back home?" Still it continues flying onwards. What irritates me more and more is how it seems as if I am being ignored. Ignored by a shadow.

Yelling this time, as loud as I possibly can, I reiterate the same question.


Then it lets me go and I am falling before I know what happened. Frantically I claw at the air, hoping the shadow will come back to catch me, but it never does. I fall rapidly.

It isn't long before my body is completely crushed; crushed by the pressure of my feet breaking through the glass sea.

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن