Part XIII: Dead on Neverland

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I open my eyes and am welcomed by the sounds of birds flying and chirping throughout the forest. Last night I slept on the uncomfortable floor of the treehouse, seeing as how it was pointless to try and find my way back to the camp at dusk. 

Memories of everything that happened swirl around in my head. It almost feels as if it was a dream and never really happened. Yet I know it did, no matter how much I want to deny it.

Raising myself up off of the floor, I walk over to the ladder and begin the short descent. When I am a little over halfway down, one of the rungs gives way and I fall three feet to the ground. 

I wince in pain as I touch my forehead, which now has a small cut from accidentally slamming it against the ladder as I fell. When I remove my fingers, a small trace of blood remains imprinted on them. 

"Are you alright?" I hear an unfamiliar voice call out from behind me. 

I turn my head just far enough around to see a young boy, not dressed like the others, emerge from behind a tree.

"I saw you fall."

I hop up off of the ground as quickly as I'm able and brush the dirt off my pants.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Your head is bleeding," he points out.

"I said I'm fine."

I cringe as my attitude turns my words sour. Time to be friendly, Lyv.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Henry," he answers, smiling.

"Well, Henry, if I had to guess, I would say you aren't from around here are you?"

"How did you know that?"

"You don't really look much like a Lost Boy."

"Yeah," he shrugs. "They've offered me clothes like theirs, but I'm more comfortable in this."

Pondering what he has told me so far, I try and come up with a hypothesis as to who this "Henry" kid really is. All I can really assume is that he is like me - brought here by Pan's shadow and meant to become one of them. He's a sweet kid though. His family must be pretty nice. 

"So how long have you been here, kid? When did Peter's shadow bring you to Neverland?"

"I've been here for about two days, but Pan's shadow didn't bring me. Greg and Tamara did."

Biting the edge of my lip, I give him a look of obvious cluelessness. 

"I have no idea who they are."

He looks at the ground.

"You don't have any reason to. They were sent out by Pan to bring me here...but, they are dead now."

Suddenly my stomach begins to feel queasy and nauseous. 

They are dead?

On Neverland?

Dead on Neverland. 

How did they die?

Then a third voices chimes in, recognizably Peter's.

"Excuse me, what exactly is going on here?"

I turn to him and begin to smile, but it soon vanishes as Pan stares at me, his eyes like daggers.

"Lyv, what do you think you are doing?"

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now