Part II: The Captain

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Salt water rushes into my mouth, causing me to cough uncontrollably as I'm hit with the force of the waves. I try searching the sky for the shadow, but immense and black clouds have formed a blanket over it.  

The thought of drowning creeps into my mind.  I could die right here and no one would know.  Not even my parents would know what happened to me.

Treading water is the only option I have, and it is going to be a challenge because of the rough waves and current.  After ten minutes my energy is spent.  My legs and arms ache and I can hardly breathe.  

Slowly I start sinking into the sea, the darkened sky disappearing above me, and in its place a blur of green and blue.  

Then something grabs my arm.  I am hoisted up out of the water, coughing and choking, a set of voices booming over me.  

Before I know it, I am standing on a ship.  Cold, shaking, and soaked to the bone, I stand before a group of men, most of whom are dressed in close to rags.  All except the one who saved me from drowning.  He is obviously their leader.

"What do we have here?" he asks rhetorically to the others.  "A girl swimming - or drowning, rather- in the ocean? What are the chances of that."  

His eyes scan every inch of me, as if he is looking for something.  Worry and almost terror seem to fill them, which is extremely unnerving.  

Looking me straight in the eyes, he asks, "What is your name, lassie?"

"Lyv," I answer. "Lyv Maslow."  

By this time the crew has dispersed, heading back to their jobs.  The man, who had previously had his hands behind his back, brings them forward, crossing them over his chest.  I cannot help but stare at his left hand, which is missing entirely and replaced by a silver hook.  He catches my awkward gaze.

"It was cut off years ago.  By the Dark One," he starts to explain. I look confusedly at him - I have no idea what he is talking about.


"I'm sorry," I begin, "I don't know who you are talking about."  As I say this he looks shocked.  Most people know who this 'Rumplestiltskin' is I presume.  

"Incredible. You must have swam a long ways then, not knowing of the Dark One."

"Fell, actually," I correct him.  Raising an eyebrow perplexedly, he uncrosses his arms and offers his right hand, or, the one that isn't a hook.   Obviously I'm supposed to take it, so I do.

"Captain Hook," he introduces himself.

I chuckle at the apparent irony.  "Appropriate."  I find it extremely challenging to try and keep a straight face.

Frowning, he suddenly jerks me up close to his face.  Our noses are almost touching.

"You say you fell," his voice is coarse and he speaks almost in a whisper. "How did you get here?"  Eyes locked, I try to break away from his grasp, but he only clings tighter.

"Answer me."

Force is not something I respond well to.

"I was brought here."

"By what?"

"What makes you want to know so badly?" I ask, smirking at him arrogantly.  His response comes quicker than I expect,

"Oh, I could care less what brought you here.  It doesn't affect me, really.  I simply thought you might like to know how close your life may be to ending."  Copying my same arrogant smirk, he lets me go, throwing me to the ground.  

 My heart is racing.  Is he suggesting that the shadow-ghost that took me here is going to try and kill me?  It is too late to ask any more questions, however.  "Captain Hook" has already walked to the other side of the ship and is talking with a stout, flustered man in a red hat.  He seems to be intimidated by the captain.  Back home I was always an expert eavesdropper, so I decide to put my skills to the test, trying to listen to what the two are saying.

"Mr. Smee, arrangements must be made for the girl's departure."

"B-but c-captain, you aren't going to make her walk the plank are you?" questions the man, evidently named Mr. Smee.

"No I'm not, but she isn't staying here. Pan's shadow brought her and the boys will be here to take her by nightfall for sure."

"W-well we could hide her here! B-below the deck! Like you did with Baelfire!"

"What have I told you about mentioning Bae?" Hook yells as Mr. Smee looks down.  He obviously isn't supposed to.

"When they come, she goes with them. Understood?" Frustrated, Hook walks away and down into what I believe to be the 'captain's quarters'.  Mr. Smee waits a moment before turning and shuffling over to me, shamefully looking at his feet like a hurt puppy as he walks. 

"H-hello, dear. I'm Mr. Smee."

"I know."

I catch myself.

"I mean, nice to meet you Mr. Smee."  As I'm sitting on the hard wooden deck at this point, he stretches out a hand to help me stand up.  I realize I'm at least two inches taller than he is.

"Why don't you come with me.  You must b-be chilled to the b-bone all sopping wet like that!"

Following him to the front end of the boat and down a set of stairs into the lower cabins, all I can think of is this: they're coming for me. 

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz